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You may purchase a pallet by bringing the total of pips worth of pyramids on a card to equal or greater than the number on the card in the act of contributing stored material from your bank to the pallet (aces require 11 points worth of pyramids) or by taking a pallet that has the required number of pyramid points already on it. When playing with more than 2 players, the pallet must have at least 1 resource pyramid on it already before it can be purchased. You may use up to 4 pips worth of pyramids to make the purchase (i.e., a Large and a Small pyramid would be a legal play but not a Large and a Medium pyramid), even if you go over the value on the card. <br><br>
Pyramids that are from other player’s banks are returned to their banks. All of the other pyramids, including the stored-material pyramids of the player who bought the pallet’s are added to the purchasing player’s CRP. <br><br>
If you purchaseclaim a pallet, you roll the dice to determine the active pallet card that is put into play. If you roll a color that no longer has available resources, you get to place a card from the top of the deck of your choosing. <br><br>
Hold on to the cards that you collect; ties are won by the player with the most cards collected.<br><br>
==Making Change==
When you purchase a palletcard, you may make change for the pyramids you are moving into your CRP if you spent more than necessary, or you may simple keep the extra pip count worth of pieces..<br>
Example: You place a Large pyramid from your bank on a 3 of Clubs that has 1 blue Small on it already. You may then place the Large and Small in your CRP, while moving an existing Small of your bank’s color from your CRP back into your bank. You may instead decide to make change from the resource color on the card you purchased, moving pyramids from your CRP; these pyramids are then returned to the GRP. This may help you to rid your CRP of some unwanted pyramids.<br><br>
==Ending the game==
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==Building Code and Scoring==
Each level in a building consists of pyramids of a single size, and each built level must have at least 1 pyramid that does not have any pyramids played on top of it. If you do not have enough pyramids on a given level to allow for this, then the next level cannot be built. <br><br>
The bottom level must consist only of Large pyramids. It must have at least 4 larges to be considered completed.<br><br>
The 2nd level must consist only of Medium pyramids. It must have at least 3 Mediums to be completed.<br><br>
The 3rd level must have at least 1 Small for it to be a completed building (same for any top level beyond the third).<br><br>
You can go beyond the 3rd level by legally placing additional Smalls on top of the 3rd level (e.g., if thea third level contains 2 Smalls, a single Small may be placed on 1 of those pyramids).<br><br>
You start building with the bottom level. If you do not have the necessary pyramids to build a given level, your building stops and scores, half-built. A structure is considered complete if it has at least 3 levels built to code.<br><br>
<b>The following bonuses determine score.</b><br>
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<b>Unused</b>: Each pyramid from your CRP that you cannot legally play costs you 1 point.<br><br>
<b>Unspent</b>: Each pyramid that remains in your bank is worth 1 positive point.<br><br>