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|style="background-color:darkslategrey; color:white;"|Black
For each match, you may either '''build a pyramid''' of the matched color, or you may '''move a pyramid/tower'''.
'''Building a pyramid of the matched color:'''
<br>Place one pyramid from the supply on either card involved in the match onto either matching space. The space you choose to build in must be empty. The pyramid you build must be the
color and size of the space it is built in.
{|class="wikitable" style="text-align:center; margin:auto;"
|style="background-color:lightgrey;"|Size of Build Location
|style="background-color:lightgrey;"|Size of Pyramid
|Small space (&frac14; of the card)
|Medium space (&frac12; of the card)
|Large space (the whole card)
Note: If there are no more pyramids of the required color and size left in the supply, then you cannot build a pyramid in that space.
'''Moving a pyramid/tower of the matched color:'''<br>
Choose any pyramid or tower, on any card, that is the color of the matching element. Move that pyramid or tower one adjacent space. No more than one pyramid/tower may occupy a space, but you may move a smaller pyramid into a space containing a same-colored pyramid of exactly one size larger to form a tower (see “Stacking Pyramids into Towers”). A tower is moved as a single unit and cannot be unstacked. Pyramids of different colors do not form towers and may never occupy the same space.
'''Stacking pyramids into towers:'''<br>
When you move a pyramid into a space containing a same-colored pyramid exactly one size larger, you must immediately stack the pyramids and form a tower. Once stacked, a tower cannot be unstacked. Towers must be stacked in order; you can only stack small pyramids on medium pyramids, and only medium pyramids on large pyramids. '''Small pyramids may not be stacked directly onto large pyramids.'''
<br>For example, if you move a small red pyramid into an adjacent space containing a medium red pyramid, you must stack them to form a small-medium red tower. But, you may not move a medium pyramid into a space containing only a small pyramid. Also, you may move a small-medium red tower into an adjacent space containing a large red pyramid. You immediately stack them to form a complete red tower.
===Resolving Action Cards===
When you draw an Action Card from the deck, you must resolve it immediately and discard it. These actions are mandatory, unless impossible (e.g. no need to “Move a Card” if there is only one card on the table).
* Shuffle Goals: Randomly rearrange the five cards in the scoring row.
* Trade Goals: Swap the positions of any two adjacent cards in the scoring row.
* Move a Card: Move any element card on the table, along with any pyramids currently on it, to a different position in the arrangement. Immediately resolve any matches, taking build or move actions as if you played that card from the deck.
* Zap a Card: Remove an element card from the arrangement, and shuffle it back into the deck. If that card had pyramids on it, return them to the supply.
* Trade Hands: Trade a single pyramid on any space for a pyramid from the supply of the same color but different size.
==Game End and Scoring==
The game ends after the last card is played.
At the end of the game, determine the value of each complete tower by checking the position of its element in the scoring row. Top to bottom, the scoring values in the row are 5, 4, 3, 2, 1. Remember, the elements in the scoring row are likely to change position (and value) throughout the game as Action Cards are drawn from the deck. Only the positions at the end of the game determine the values for your final score.
===Tower Prestige===
You score 5 points for each complete tower that is the color of the element at the top of the row; 4 points for each complete tower that is the color of the next element; then 3, 2, and finally 1 point for each complete tower that is the color of the element at the bottom of the row.
===Elemental Mastery===
You gain a bonus of 10 points if you have at least one complete tower of each of the five elements. Incomplete towers and single pyramids are worth 0 points.
===Rank Scoring===
{|class="wikitable" style="text-align:center; margin:auto;"
|style="background-color:lightgrey;"|'''Final Score'''
|1 &ndash; 5
|6 &ndash; 10
|11 &ndash; 15
|16 &ndash; 20
|Master Builder
Ready to try again? Shuffle the same 30 cards back together and play again, now knowing which cards the deck has in store for you. Try to beat your best score! Or reshuffle all of the cards and deal yourself a deck of 30 new cards to change your fate for the next game...