OBJECTIVE[edit | edit source]
The Objective of Power Play is to be the only player remaining on the board at the end of the game.
SETUP[edit | edit source]
YOU WILL NEED[edit | edit source]
- You will need one monochrome stash per player and either four Large black Pyramids or something else to mark the center squares.
- A standard chessboard or (optionally) a Volcano board
THE BOARD[edit | edit source]
- The Board should be arranged on the table so that the corners are closest to the players.
- Each player should arrange their Pyramids into Nests (a small inside a Medium inside a Large).
- The Five Squares at the corner are that player’s Starting Squares. Place one Nest in each of these squares.
- Place one Large Black pyramid in each of the four squares in the center of the Board. (see pic above)
TERMINOLOGY[edit | edit source]
- STRENGTH: A piece’s “strength” is represented by the number of pips within it. The highest strength possible for any piece is 9.
- POWER PIECE: A “power piece” is a Piece on the board that is comprised of more than one pyramid. A power piece is made by landing one of your equally sized or smaller pieces on another piece during a jump. Power pieces can only be made using a Jump and may contain a ‘’’maximum of 3 pieces.’’’ Power Pieces are made in order to increase their ability to capture opposing pieces.
- CAPTURING: A capture occurs when a player performs a jump movement and his/her piece lands on an opponent’s piece that is “weaker” or has a lower pip value.
- KICKBACK: Kickback occurs when your piece lands on a opposing piece of equal strength. A piece suffering kickback is given back to the owning player who must put it in one of his/her starting squares. ‘’’Note:’’’ Power Pieces cannot be created from Kickback even if there are no empty starting squares. The player receiving Kickback must try to recreate any nests.
- Kickback on Power Pieces: When a player’s power piece receives Kickback, he/she must break down the power piece and try to form a new nest in his/her starting squares.
GAMEPLAY[edit | edit source]
TURNS/PLAY ORDER[edit | edit source]
The Youngest player shall choose who moves first. Play progresses to the left. Each player is allowed to move one piece on his/her turn.
MOVES[edit | edit source]
- A player may move one piece one space in any of the 8 directions as long as that space is empty.
- A player may perform a Jump movement. A jump may also be made in any of the 8 directions and is done much like a checkers jump. A jump movement may be continued as long as there are possible jumps available. Jumps may be made over any other pyramid regardless of color. A piece that is jumped is not Captured. See above for Capturing rules.
- A player’s move may not end on an opposing color unless it can perform a Kickback or Capture.
- A Player’s move may not end on a Black Pyramid.
WINNING CONDITIONS[edit | edit source]
The game is won by simply being the surviving player on the board.
KNOCKOUT[edit | edit source]
Players are "knocked out" of the game if one of two possible events occur.
- You lose 18 points worth of Pyramids and somebody declares a Knockout. (If nobody notices, you may continue until they do!)
- An Opponent manages to build a nest of their color in one of your Starting Squares.