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8. [[Zark City]] 3.9<br>
9. [[Volcano]] 3.9<br>
10. [[PylonPetri Dish]] 3.8 <br>
11. [[Alien CityPylon]] 3.8<br>
12. [[PikemenAlien City]] 3.78<br>
13. [[SprawlPikemen]] 3.7<br>
14. [[Pyramid SchemeSprawl]] 3.67<br>
15. [[LoggerPyramid Scheme]] 3.6<br>
16. [[IceTowersLogger]] 3.56<br>
17. [[Tower WarIceTowers]] 3.5<br>
18. [[SkurðirTower War]] 3.5<br>
19. [[NileSkurðir]] 3.5<br>
20. [[ApophisNile]] 3.5<br>
21. [[StackPetal ControlBattle]] 3.65 <br>
22. [[ChivalryApophis]] 3.5<br>
23. [[FolioStack Control]] 3.56<br>
24. [[Paint the LineChivalry]] 3.5<br>
25. [[Folio]] 3.5<br>
<td width=25%>
2526. [[ZigguratPaint Demolitionthe ThrowdownLine]] 3.5<br>
2627. [[IceSickleZiggurat Demolition Throwdown]] 3.45<br>
2728. [[PyrinoesIceSickle]] 3.4<br>
2829. [[Twin WinPyrinoes]] 3.4<br>
2930. [[InfiltrateTwin Win]] 3.24<br>
3031. [[KotraInfiltrate]] 3.32<br>
3132. [[Invaders of MarsKotra]] 3.23<br>
3233. [[QuintazoneInvaders of Mars]] 3.2<br>
3334. [[Gleebs and GruesQuintazone]] 3.2<br>
3435. [[PlutonianGleebs Pokerand Grues]] 3.12<br>
3536. [[MartianColor ChessWheel]] 3.12 <br>
3637. [[HextrisPlutonian Poker]] 3.1<br>
38. [[Give or Take]] 3.1 <br>
37. [[Battle_of_the_Body_Snatchers]]
3839. [[MartianopolyMartian Chess]] 3.1<br>
3940. [[IceDamHextris]] 3.1<br>
4041. [[Landing ZoneBattle_of_the_Body_Snatchers]] 3.0<br>
4142. [[ExtinctionMartianopoly]] 3.01<br>
4243. [[StawvsIceDam]] 3.0 1<br>
4344. [[MartianLanding CoastersZone]] 3.0<br>
4445. [[Synapse-IceExtinction]] 3.0<br>
4546. [[Martian CanalsStawvs]] 3.0 <br>
4647. [[SubdivisionMartian Coasters]] 3.0 <br>
4748. [[MandalaSynapse-Ice]] 23.90<br>
4849. [[EgyptianMartian SolitaireCanals]] 23.90 <br>
50. [[Subdivision]] 3.0 <br>
<td width=25%>
4951. [[Lunar InvadersVerticality]] 2.9 <br>
5052. [[3-HighMandala]] 2.9<br>
5153. [[BlockadeEgyptian Solitaire]] 2.89 <br>
5245. [[IceDiceLunar Invaders]] 2.8 9<br>
5355. [[Black Ice3-High]] 2.89<br>
5456. [[Turning PointsBlockade]] 2.8<br>
5557. [[MagmaIceDice]] 2.8 <br>
5658. [[TheBlack Wilds of MarsIce]] 2.78<br>
5759. [[Blam!Turning Points]] 2.58<br>
5860. [[Freeze TagMagma]] 2.8<br>
5961. [[TorpedoThe Wilds of Mars]] 2.7<br>
6062. [[Quintazone-ChaserBlam!]] 2.7 5<br>
6163. [[ColdFreeze SpellTag]] 2.7<br>
6264. [[Pink HijinksTorpedo]] 2.7 <br>
6365. [[CrackeD IceQuintazone-Chaser]] 2.7 <br>
6466. [[MiddlemanCold Spell]] 2.7<br>
6567. [[EdgesPink Hijinks]] 2.7 <br>
6668. [[Pyramids_in_my_pocketCrackeD Ice]] 2.7<br>
6769. [[Tic Tac Doh!Middleman]] 2.7<br>
6870. [[Branches & Twigs & ThornsEdges]] 2.67<br>
6971. [[IceFrogsPyramids_in_my_pocket]] 2.67<br>
7072. [[IkkozendoTic Tac Doh!]] 2.67<br>
7173. [[Tic_Tac_LoopBranches & Twigs & Thorns]] 2.6<br>
74. [[IceFrogs]] 2.6<br>
75. [[Ikkozendo]] 2.6<br>
<td width=25%>
7276. [[IceCubedTic_Tac_Loop]] ??2.6<br>
7377. [[Pentamid TwistIceCubed]] ??<br>
7478. [[IcePentamid DaoTwist]] 2.5<br>
7579. [[TreehouseIce Dao]] 2.5<br>
7680. [[Lonely IceTreehouse]] 2.5 <br>
7781. [[SolaceLonely Ice]] 2.5 <br>
7882. [[The IceStarSolace]] 2.45<br>
7983. [[DripThe IceStar]] 2.4<br>
8084. [[Pushing RaceDrip]] 2.4<br>
8185. [[IceCreamPushing Race]] 2.34<br>
8286. [[VertigoIceCream]] 2.3<br>
8387. [[Penguin SoccerVertigo]] 2.23<br>
8488. [[PharaohPenguin Soccer]] 2.2<br>
8589. [[Ice PalacePharaoh]] 2.2<br>
8690. [[Ice3Ice Palace]] 2.12<br>
8791. [[CrosswalkIce3]] 2.1<br>
8892. [[RotationaryCrosswalk]] 2.1<br>
8993. [[CryosquareRotationary]] 1.9 <br>2<br>
94. [[Cryosquare]] 1.9 <br><br>
<td width=25%>