Binary Homeworlds: Difference between revisions

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On their turns, players select a star system and perform one action in that system. The actions available for a player to take depend on the colors of pyramids in the star system where the action is taking place. The power to do these actions can come from the color of the player's own ships or from the color of the stars that make up the star system that ship is in.
{| class="wikitable" style="text-align:center; float:left; margin-left:2em;"
|Yellow Ability
|bgcolor=yellow|<font color="black">'''Move'''</font>
|Green Ability
|bgcolor=green|<font color="white">'''Construct'''</font>
|Blue Ability
|bgcolor=blue|<font color="white">'''Trade'''</font>
|Red Ability
|bgcolor=red|<font color="white">'''Attack'''</font>
*'''Movement''' Take one of the ships you have in any existing star system and move that ship to a new system. The destination system must be connected to the star system the ship began in. So if the beginning star system consists of {{PL|::SL|grey|3em}}, then the ship can only connect to a star system made of a medium pyramid {{PL|::M|grey|3em}}. The traveling player does not have to limit himself to visiting star systems that already exist on the table: he can send his ship out to ''Discover'' a new medium star system by taking a medium-size pyramid of any color from the bank and placing it on the table, then placing his ship next to it.