Cardboard Box with 3D Printed Cradles

Revision as of 16:10, 6 April 2024 by Kataclysm (talk | contribs)
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This is a cardboard box that used to contain the Northstar game "Say Anything." It measures 20 cm × 26.5 cm and can hold up to 18 plastic white cradles stacked two layers deep. Each cradle can hold one stash of pyramids. The cradles are 3D printed with two semicircular notches in the sides to allow them to be lifted out even when flush with other cradles, and there is a groove around the bottom of the cradles that allows them to stack with one another.

Front view of box. It can be stored on its side without risk of the contents becoming disarranged.
Top layer of contents shown. The box can hold up to 18 cradles, but we use 16 cradles, which leaves room for two decks of cards.
Close-up of the groove around the bottom of each cradle that allows it to stack with the other cradles.
Two cradles stacked. You could theoretically keep stacking them high, but the depth of the storage box used limits our stacking to two levels.
All components spread out.