Equipment/Looney Labs Dice

Looney Labs Dice Edit

This page is dedicated to custom dice purpose-made for playing Looney Pyramid games. As of 2024, five custom dice have been produced by Looney Labs for the Looney Pyramid line. They are the Treehouse die, the Pyramid die, the Lightning die, and both the icon and dot versions of the Color die.

Die Name First Introduced First Game
:HOP Treehouse die 2006 Treehouse
:PyramidDieSL Pyramid die 2009 Ice Dice
:ColorCircle Color die (Dot) 2009 Ice Dice
:ColorYellow Color die (Icon) 2016 Pyramid Arcade
:LightningBolt Lightning die 2016 Pyramid Arcade

All Faces of All Looney Labs Dice Edit

Treehouse Dice
Pyramid Dice
:PyramidDieS :PyramidDieM :PyramidDieL
:PyramidDieSM :PyramidDieSL :PyramidDieML
Lightning Dice
:LightningBolt :LightningAtom :LightningSplit
:LightningArrow :LightningPyramids :LightningRecycle
Color Icon Dice
:ColorBlue :ColorGreen :ColorPurple
:ColorYellow :ColorRed :ColorAtom
Color Dot Dice
:ColorCircle :ColorCircle :ColorCircle
:ColorCircle :ColorCircle :ColorAtom