Pyramid Arcade

From Looney Pyramid Games Wiki
Pyramid Arcade box art

Pyramid Arcade is not itself a single game, but a boxed retail set of pyramids and other game materials sold beginning in 2016 by Looney Labs. It is a compilation of 22 games designed for the Looney Pyramid game system and includes the instructions and all necessary components to play them. Described as Andy Looney's "Magnum Opus", Pyramid Arcade was successfully funded on Kickstarter in May of 2016 and became available to purchase from brick-and-mortar stores in November of 2016. The "Arcade" is intended to be the flagship pyramid box and has replaced the IceDice and Treehouse bags as the primary means for new players to purchase pyramids.

Contents[edit | edit source]

Pyramid Arcade contains the following.

Pyramids[edit | edit source]

90 pyramids in ten colors: three trios each of red, orange, yellow, green, cyan, blue, purple, black, clear and white.


Boards[edit | edit source]

Cards[edit | edit source]

  • A five-suited Zark City deck (with Yellow Stars, Purple Spades, Red Hearts, Green Clubs, & Cyan Diamonds)
  • A full set of Twin Win cards for all 10 colors of Pyramids
  • A set of Pyramid Arcade cards which profile each game, designed to assist in game selecting

Dice[edit | edit source]

  • Nine dice
    • Three standard six-sided dice
    • A new "Color Die" which also shows the Zark City deck suits
    • One "Pyramid Die"
    • Three "Lightning Dice"
    • One "Treehouse Die"

Rulebook[edit | edit source]

The cover of the Pyramid Arcade rulebook

The included red 76 page rulebook provided a brief history of the game system, explained various terminology and naming conventions, and contained rules to 22 games that can be played with only the materials included in the boxed set. These rules also referenced an additional 22 games which could be played using extra materials, such as additional pyramids, tokens, and chessboards. Players further were encouraged to invent their own games that would be playable with the included materials. These encouragements were referred to as the "Glotz" challenges.

Other Materials[edit | edit source]

Trivia[edit | edit source]

  • The graphic design for Pyramid Arcade, including the box art, instruction manual, game badges and playing cards was designed by Other Studio
  • The color die substitutes purple for black, compared to the 2011 IceDice die.
  • Two sea routes were accidentally omitted from the WW5 board.
  • Stretch goals included extra pyramids and a chessboard bandana. Higher-level backers also got to add a customized card for a game of their choice to the "what to play" deck.
  • The pyramids themselves were modified in order to meet toy safety standards. Arcade pyramid tips are slightly more rounded, less pointy. Unrelated, the pips can be felt on the inner walls.

External Links[edit | edit source]

Videos[edit | edit source]

See Also[edit | edit source]

Games Featured in Pyramid Arcade[edit | edit source]

Featured in Pyramid Arcade
Black ICE · Color Wheel · Give or Take · Hijinks
Homeworlds · Ice Dice · Ice Towers · Launchpad 23
Looney Ludo · Lunar Invaders · Martian Chess · Petal Battle
Petri Dish · Pharaoh · Powerhouse · Pyramid-Sham-Bo
Treehouse · Twin Win · Verticality · Volcano
World War 5 · Zark City
Featured in Pyramid Arcade 22 More Great Games
Little Else Required
Apophis · Egyptian Solitaire · Freeze Tag
Gleebs and Grues · Logger · Timelock · Penguin Soccer
More Pyramids Required
Icehouse · Quicksand · Torpedo · Undercut
More Pyramids + Other Stuff Required
Alien City · Blam! · Builders of R'lyeh · Gnostica
Pikemen · Pylon · RAMbots · Stack Control
Subdivision · Synapse-Ice · Zendo
Featured in Pyramid Arcade Bonus Cards
Aquarius Rising · Blam! · Carrots and Broccoli · Freeze Tag
Gnostica · Icehouse · Penguin Soccer · Pyramid Ball
RAMbots · Skurðir · Solomids · Zendo