Looney Labs
To quote their "about our company page": "Looney Labs is a friendly little game company run by three modern-day hippies (named Andy, Kristin, and Alison) who live and work in a house they call Wunderland." The official Looney Labs fan program promotes Looney Labs games at game stores and conventions worldwide (see also: RabbitWiki).
Looney Labs makes a number of awesome games including:
- Fluxx, their flagship product, with a number of siblings and expansions
- Aquarius, a card game with all the right elements
- Chrononauts, a wonderful card game about time travel
- Cosmic Coasters, where you can travel the universe, and keep drink rings off your coffee table
- Are You A Werewolf?, a party game full of intrigue
- Nanofictionary, the game of little stories
- Are You the Traitor?, a redevelopment of Werewolf
- Back To The Future: The Card Game, a redevelopment of Chrononauts
Of course, they also make the Icehouse game system, in the form of Treehouse sets containing 15 plastic pyramids, along with accessories such as Martian Coasters, Zendo cards, and Volcano boards. They also publish the book Playing with Pyramids and the booklet 3House, full of games that use their Icehouse pieces.
Past products, no longer in production, include:
- Paper pyramids for the frugal
- Giant Icehouse for the freakishly large
- a beautiful chessboard bandana that is good for lots of things
- Q-Turn, a game played on little wooden coins
- Proton, a puzzle game with twists and turns
Games Magazine Article "The Looney Labs Experiment" from Oct 2005.