How to Use DiceColors template

From Looney Pyramid Games Wiki
Revision as of 23:57, 25 April 2024 by Dazeysan (talk | contribs) (Adding a how to page for the DiceColors template, still needs work)
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The "die-value" is the die shape and face value. This must be a hyphenated value such as "d4-3" or "d20-15". Here are examples of the 8 valid die shapes:

:d4-3:d4border :d6-5:d6border :d6n-2:d6nborder :d8-7:d8border
Values: d4-1 to d4-4
D6 with pips
Values: d6-1 to d6-6
D6 with numbers
Values: d6n-1 to d6n-6
Values: d8-1 to d8-8
:d10-6:d10border :d10p-00:d10pborder :d12-9:d12border :d20-19:d20border
Values: d10-0 to d10-10
D10 percentile
Values: d10p-00 to d10p-90
Values: d12-1 to d12-12
Values: d20-1 to d20-20

The "colors" field contains a comma-separated list of 1 to 4 colors for the different parts of the dice. Usually you wouldn't use them by themselves but here is an example showing 4 different colors being used separately so you can see what they do:

:d6-3:d6border :d6blank:d6border :d6solid:d6border :d6border
The first color in the list specifies the "body" color of the die.
The second color specifies the pip/numeral color.
The third color specifies the internal edge color.
the fourth color specifies the outside border color.

Note: you can leave off any trailing commas, but must include any leading commas. ",blue" works the same as ",blue,," but "blue,," would actually match "blue,,,"
Now let's combine the 4 colors:

:d6-3:d6border :d6blank:d6-3:d6border :d6solid:d6blank:d6-3:d6border :d6solid:d6blank:d6-3:d6border
A single-color die is fine as long as it contrasts with the background color of the page.
Now let's give the pips a different color.
Changing the edge color let's give it a little bit of a highlight.
And to really make it stand out against the background you add the outside border.
:d6-3:d6border :d6-3:d6border :d6blank:d6-3:d6border :d6solid:d6blank:d6-3:d6border
A light color die will often disappear against the background.
Give it a border to make it show up.
Setting the pip/numeral color makes that show up better.
Adding the interior edge color gives it a little more shape.