How to use the Cards and Dice Font

Cards-and-Dice: the Font

The Cards-and-Dice-2024 (v1.1) font is installed on the wiki and allows any user to place polyhedral dice, poker cards, and Zark City cards into any page using only text. To do this, you must use the template set up specifically for it.

Displaying Cards

Simply place your text within double brackets and type a name, color, and size.

General-rules example:


Actual real-world example:

{{CD|::heart7|red|3em}} = :heart7
  • CD: The template designation
  • :heart7 The nickname for the icon, in this case a Heart suit with the rank 7.
  • red: The color you want the icon to be. (This can also be entered in hex color codes like #ff00e0)
  • 3em: How big you want the icon to be

Bare bones example:

{{CD|:starj}} = :starj

  • CD: The template designation
  • :starj The nickname for the icon, in this case a star suit of rank jack
  • No color specified, so the pyramid will default to black
  • No size specified, so the pyramid size will default to 1em

Size specified but not color example:

{{CD|::star2||3em}} = :star2
  • Because of the way the template is set up, the name, color, and size must be in order.
  • This means that when you want to specify a size but not a color, you need to leave a blank pipe where the color would be.
  • If you forget to leave a blank pipe and you instead type this: {{CD|::star2|3em}}, the Wiki will interpret your desired color as "3em" and not know what that color is, so it will default to black instead. And since it expects a size last and won't see one, it will default to size 1em. So remember to put in that extra pipe to designate size without color.

Naming Convention

Each symbol that it's possible to display with the Cards and Dice font has a particular name that you need to put after a colon. The names are pretty easy to guess once you know the basic rules. For cards:

  • The first letter will always be the suit of the card. You'll type club, diamond, heart, spade, or star.
  • The next next letters will be the rank of the card you're displaying. A, 2, 3, up to K. You can use uppercase or lowercase.

Examples in Tables

Here are example cards displayed in their traditional colors for poker cards.

:diamondA :club2 :heart3 :spade4
{{CD|:diamondA|red|3em}} {{CD|:club2|black|3em}} {{CD|:heart3|red|3em}} {{CD|:spade4|black|3em}}

Examples Side by Side with No Spacing


Zark City Style

And here are example cards displayed in the colors that match the Zark City deck.

:diamondA {{CD|:diamondA|darkturquoise|3em}}
:club2 {{CD|:club2|green|3em}}
:heart3 {{CD|:heart3|red|3em}}
:spade4 {{CD|:spade4|purple|3em}}
:star5 {{CD|:star5|orange|3em}}

To keep the poker cards from jutting up against the borders of the table, add this line to the first row of your table:


For comparison, without the spacing, it looks like this.

:diamondA {{CD|:diamondA|darkturquoise|3em}}
:club2 {{CD|:club2|green|3em}}
:heart3 {{CD|:heart3|red|3em}}
:spade4 {{CD|:spade4|purple|3em}}
:star5 {{CD|:star5|orange|3em}}

Other Symbols

There are also a few extra symbols in the font that make it easy to indicate what materials are needed for a given game.

Displaying Polyhedral Dice

You can represent all of the common polyhedral dice, with all faces, using this font. Naming convention:

  • D4 = four-sided die
  • D6 = six-sided die with pips
  • D6n = six-sided die with numerals
  • D8 = eight-sided die
  • D10 = ten-sided die
  • D10p = ten-sided percentage die
  • D20 = twenty-sided die

After the type of die, place a hyphen followed by the number you want it to display.
If I want to display a ten-sided die that shows the numeral 9, and I'd like it to be a green die, I would type: {{CD|:D10-9|green|3em|}}
which would yield: :D10-9 You can use capital or lowercase letters for the 'D'.



Actual real-world example:

{{CD|:d12-11|purple|3em}} = :d12-11
  • CD: The template designation
  • :d12-11 The type of die (d12=twelve-sided die) followed by the number you want it to display (in this case, 11).
  • purple: The color you want the icon to be. (This can also be entered in hex color codes like #ff00e0)
  • 3em: How big you want the icon to be

Examples of All Polyhedral Dice

:d4-4 :d6-6 :d6n-6
{{CD|:d4-4|coral|3em}} {{CD|:d6-6|goldenrod|3em}} {{CD|:d6n-6|gold|3em}}
:d8-8 :d10-10 :d10p-70
{{CD|:d8-8|teal|3em}} {{CD|:d10-10|seagreen|3em}} {{CD|:d10p-70|green|3em}}
:d12-12 :d20-17 :d20-20
{{CD|:d12-12|cornflowerblue|3em}} {{CD|:d20-17|royalblue|3em}} {{CD|:d20-20|navy|3em}}

Blank Dice

Blank dice can be displayed by leaving off the hyphen and numeral:

:d4 :d6 :d8
{{CD|:d4|red|3em}} {{CD|:d6|orange|3em}} {{CD|:d8|green|3em}}
:d10 :d12 :d20
{{CD|:d10|turquoise|3em}} {{CD|:d12|blue|3em}} {{CD|:d20|purple|3em}}

See also How to Use Pyramid Love Font for information on the font that lets you display pyramids. Go to Grids and Chessboards for ready-made grids you can paste into your rules pages.

Testing EMs

::star2 ::star2 ::star2 ::star2 ::star2


testtext5em = ::star2
testtext4em = ::star2
testtext3em = ::star2
testtext2em = ::star2
testtext1em = ::star2