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===Pop and Push===
<div style="text-align:center>'''Pop'''</div>
To Pop is to draw cards into your hand from one of the face-down Code Stack decks. You start each turn with zero cards in hand. Begin each turn by rolling both the color die and the six-sided die. The color die indicates which of the face-down Code Stack decks you will draw from, and the six-sided die tells you how many to draw. So if you roll a {{PL|:ColorGreen|green|2em}} {{PL|:4}}, you will draw four cards from the green face-down Code Stack deck. IfWhen thethere resultare ofnot theenough colorcards dieto draw, but there is at least one, just draw as many as are available. A wild {{PL|:ColorAtom|black|2em}}, youroll maylets choose to drawyou from any color of the face-down Code Stack decks. If there are not enough cards in the face-down Code Stack deck that is indicated by the color die, but there is at least one, just draw as many as are available.