Looney Pyramid Games Wiki:Site News/Archive
Contests[edit source]
2011[edit source]
The 2011 Ice Awards were held at the fan club forum (at Ning), which has since been taken down.
2010[edit source]
Andy Bond won the 2010 ICE Award in June of 2011 for his game design, Pyrinoes.
2009[edit source]
The IceWiki goes to school[edit source]
Students in a First Year Foundations class are using the IceWiki to coordinate their classroom experiments in game design! Help collaborate with them, and give them feedback on their designs.
Summer 2008[edit source]
- Winter IGDC Done; Summer IGDC started in June 2008 ===
The IGDC Summer 2008 voting starts in a few months. It will be an open design competition, so start thinking about new games! The deadline for submitting designs is June 20.
- Thanks to Mudlock for taking over organizing the contest.
Results are posted for the Winter 2008 Icehouse Game Design Competition. See that page for full details.
- Thanks to David Artman for organizing the contest.
Site Mechanics[edit source]
June 2008 Upgrade, with Semantic Annotations[edit source]
Along with an upgrade to the latest version of MediaWiki (hopefully the image troubles are now sorted), we now support Semantic MediaWiki annotations. Instructions and explanations over here. (Just to forestall any arguments, if you're wondering "which way" to annotate a given property or aspect of something, the officially admin-supported answer is "both, and we'll sort it out later.") - misuba 02:46, 16 June 2008 (UTC)
April, 2011 Major Reorganization[edit source]
April 2011: We replaced Existing Games with two new pages: Published Games and Award-Winning Games. All fan-made games, regardless of state of development, are now listed under Community Games. Games Under Development no longer lists games directly. If you're a designer, make sure your game didn't get lost in the shuffle. What Can I Play? was also culled at this time, but new entries are welcome.
April, 2007 Major System Upgrade[edit source]
In April 2007, both the system hardware and software were upgraded. This seems to have fixed the longstanding difficulties in setting user preferences and uploading files, but speak up if you notice anything still broken. (Thanks, MiSuBa!)
Anti-Spam Brigade[edit source]
Spammer and vandal attacks are far rarer than they used to be, but we should still remain vigilant. Thanks for all our volunteer anti-spam policemen for their efforts.
As of April 2007, we also have some bogus user accounts, but they aren't doing much damage.