Looney Pyramid Games Wiki:Policies and Usage Conventions

Use of copyrighted material Edit

Make sure you have explicit permission before you add the copyrighted works of others here. Looney Pyramids Wiki has been granted explicit permissions for some content, see: List of Permissions

Capitalization of page titles Edit

Use Initial Caps for page titles unless there's a good reason not to. Example: "Martian Coaster Chaturanga" instead of "Martian coaster chaturanga". Categories shouldn't use initial caps.

Languages beyond English Edit

This wiki is primarily in English, but don't let that deter you from adding content in other languages. There are already several other languages used here. Please tag articles in other languages or links to rules translations with [[Category:Your language]]. Doing so will allow your page to be found using the language portal on the Main Page.

Rules translations Edit

For rules translations, please use [[English Game Title (Language)]] as the page title. Example: Penguin Soccer (French).

Blocking users and protecting pages Edit

Per the Icehouse Game Design Competition rules, the pages of contest entrants will be blocked from editing during the judging phase. This will be lifted after the results have been announced.

Spam and external linking Edit

Spam and vandalism will not be tolerated, and any instances of it will be deleted immediately. User accounts used for spamming or vandalism will have their IP address blocked for one year.