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Monkeys and occupied ships move diagonally one space forward or backward, and may jump over pieces belonging to the opponent; monkeys can jump over other monkeys, and ships (with monkeys on board) can jump over other ships (with or without monkeys), but monkeys by themselves can't jump over ships and vice versa. Note that the monkeys are placed on the white spaces and the ships on the black spaces, so they generally won't interact (but see below). (Jump means the same as it does in checkers, though double or multiple jumps are not allowed.)
=== Movement,Monkey monkeysMovement ===
A monkey may
*move one space diagonally, forward or backward
*jump over another monkey
*board a ship of its own color that is orthogonally adjacent
*dismount from a ship by hopping down to an orthogonally-adjacent space
====Moving one space====
Monkeys can move once space diagonally, forward or backward. The space they move enter must be empty.
Monkeys can jump over other monkeys diagonally, landing directly on the other side as in checkers. There are no double- or triple-jumps. The jumped monkey is returned to one of the empty cages on its owner's side of the board. The player who jumped the monkey gets to decide which cage. If all of the white spaces in the first two rows of the player's board are occupied, then there are no cages available to house the monkey and it gets to stay where it is after being jumped.
====Boarding a Ship====
A monkey may board a ship if:
*the ship is orthogonally adjacent
*the ship matches the monkey's color
Simply place the monkey on top of the ship.
====Dismounting from a Ship====
A monkey may dismount from a ship by hopping down to an orthogonally-adjacent space.
A monkey that is orthogonally adjacent to a ship of its own color may board the ship as a move; stack the monkey on top of the ship piece.