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Board needed: an 8×4 grid, or a chessboard with half the squares covered up.
Player 1 takes the null token and places it, then Player 2 takes the root token and places it.
[[Image:2-player_setup_Branches_and_Twigs_and_Thorns_Artboard_1_with_coins.svg|thumb|none|750px|''<big>Setup for two players. Each player has one Stash and five coins. The first player receives the null token, here represented by an orange die. The second player receives the root token, here represented by a green die.</big>'']]
Players take turns placing their pyramids on the board until it is full. Pieces must be orthogonally connected to, and point at:
[[Image:2-player_First_Move_ExampleV1.svg|thumb|none|750px|''<big>The first player (blue) has placed the null token in his choice of any of the 32 squares, and second player (purple) has placed the root token in her choice of the remaining 31 squares. Now the blue player must choose where to place his first pyramid. It must be placed orthogonally to the root and point in the root's direction. The four possible legal moves are shown in blue.</big>'']]
*the root
*their own color (for free)
[[Image:2-player_Second_Move_ExampleV1.svg|thumb|none|750px|''<big>The second player can place a pyramid down pointing toward the root or toward another pyramid. Player 2's legal moves are shown in purple. It is legal, but not wise, for her to point toward her opponent's pyramid, as she will need to pay a penalty if doing so.</big>'']]
*an opponent's color (for a penalty)
[[Image:2-player_Move_with_Pending_Penalty_ExampleV3.svg|thumb|none|750px|''<big>It is blue's turn. The game has progressed to the point that the blue player cannot place a pyramid pointing at his own pyramids, so he must point at one of purple's pyramids and pay a penalty.</big>'']]
[[Image:2-player_First_Move_ExampleV1.svg|thumb|none|750px|''<big>The first player (blueBlue) has placed the null token in his choice of any of the 32 squares, and second player (purplePurple) has placed the root token in her choice of the remaining 31 squares. Now the blue playerBlue must choose where to place his first pyramid. It must be placed orthogonally to the root and point in the root's direction. The four possible legal moves are shown inas bluetriangles.</big>'']]
[[Image:2-player_Second_Move_ExampleV1.svg|thumb|none|750px|''<big>The second player can place a pyramid down pointing toward the root or toward another pyramid. Player 2's legal moves are shown in purple. It is legal, but not wise, for her to point toward her opponent's pyramid, as she will need to pay a penalty if doing so.</big>'']]
[[Image:2-player_Move_with_Pending_Penalty_ExampleV3.svg|thumb|none|750px|''<big>It is blueBlue's turn. The game has progressed to the point that the blue playerhe cannot place a pyramid pointing at his own pyramids, so he must point at one of purplePurple's pyramids and pay a penalty.</big>'']]
When your pyramid points at an opponent's pyramid, you must pay penalties in two ways. Look at the size of the opponent's piece. That's how many coins you pay to the pot. The size of the piece you just placed determines how many coins you must pay to your opponent. The blue player would like to point at the smallest possible piece, and so pay the smallest penalty to the pot. However, the purple player has no small pyramids available to point at. So the blue playerBlue has to settle for pointing at a medium piece with the smallest pyramid he has. He pays two coins to the pot for pointing at a two-pip pyramid, and one coin to his opponent for using a one-pip pyramid to do it.
[[Image:2-player_Move_with_Penalty_ExampleV3.svg|thumb|none|750px|''<big>The blue player points a small pyramid at an opponent's medium. He pays two coins to the pot for pointing to a size 2-pip pyramid, and one coin to his opponent for pointing at her piece with a 1-pip pyramid.</big>'']]
If a player runs out of coins but still needs to pay, everyone, including the player who just ran out of coins, takes five coins from the pot. This is fair because only the relative scores matter.
[[Image:2-player_finished_gameV6.svg|thumb|none|750px|''<big>Purple saw her advantage and blocked blue off. A few moves later, the blue playerBlue must again point at an opponent's piece. He must pay a penalty of 1 to the bank for pointing at a 1-pip pyramid, and 2 to his opponent for pointing a 2-pip pyramid at her, a total of three coins. But he does not have enough funds. So everyone takes five more coins from the pot (represented by the red-outlined coins), and then Blue pays the coins out as normal.</big>'']]
====End Game====
[[Image:2-player_finished_gameV6.svg|thumb|none|750px|''<big>Purple saw her advantage and blocked blue off. A few moves later, the blue player must again point at an opponent's piece. He must pay a penalty of 1 to the bank for pointing at a 1-pip pyramid, and 2 to his opponent for pointing a 2-pip pyramid at her, a total of three coins. But he does not have enough funds. So everyone takes five more coins from the pot (represented by the red-outlined coins), and then Blue pays the coins out as normal.</big>'']]
The game ends when the board is full. Whoever has the most coins wins.
[[Image:2-player_finished_gameV4.svg|thumb|none|750px|''<big>Finished game. Purple wins with the most coins.</big>'']]
===3-Player Game===
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