Super Death Ray: Difference between revisions

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(Created Page for Super Death Ray. Images will be added within the week.)
(Added most of the images)
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designer=[[User:MansterSoft]] |
image_link=[[Image:60px-Stop_hand.png|250px|Image Coming Soon!]] |
description=More Images coming soon! |
min_players=2 |
max_players=3 |
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'''BLACK:''' Denotes a Planet. An occupied Planet can be mined and its minerals can be used to create Components. Newly created Components are placed on top of the Planet (but below the occupant). They can only be destroyed by the Super Death Ray after every other Component surrounding the Planet has been destroyed. Planets cannot be piloted or towed away (See Yellow Ships).
'''RED:''' A Medium stacked onto a Large creates a Super Death Ray, a weapon capable of wiping out entire Planets. Additional Components are stacked between the two pyramids to charge it (See the "Firing the Super Death Ray" chapter for more information). Non-stacked Red Components are fairly useless.
'''GREEN:''' Denotes a Cloning Pod. Any Clone occupying a Cloning Pod can duplicate itself. The new Clone is placed on top of the original. The color of the new Clone does not have to match the color of the original. New Clones cannot do anything on the turn they are cloned.
'''YELLOW:''' When occupied these can be used as a claw-like vehicle. They are placed on top of other Components (including Super Death Ray Pieces but excluding Occupied Components) and can either be used to...
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When Ungrounded and occupied, these Components can not be moved by the Space Station's built-in conveyor belts. The Clone occupying the Yellow has sole control of it.
'''BLUE:''' Denotes a Defensive Barrier. They are the first to be destroyed by the Super Death Ray, thereby preventing other, more valuable components from getting destroyed.
To convert any Space Station Component into a Space Ship...
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# Put the Clone inside of the now sideways pyramid.
=== Space Ships and Destroyed Planets ===
All Ships are represented by sideways Medium/Large pyramids and are piloted by one Clone. Ships are moved the length of two pyramids of its size. This is done by taking an unused Black pyramid, and placing its base edge onto the point of the Ship that needs to move. This process is repeated again, except this time by placing the Ship's base edge onto the point of the Black pyramid. A moving Ship may not move more than or less than two of its lengths. Large Ships are marginally faster but marginally easier to zap compared to Mediums.
Ships have different properties and abilities based on their color...
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'''RED:''' Denotes a Fighter Ship. These Ships can fire Mini Death Rays out of their sides. This is done by placing a Large pyramid on each side of the Ship. If these Large pyramids touch another Ship they are instantly destroyed (Unless it is Blue). Attacking can be done before or after movement.
'''GREEN:''' Denotes a Passenger Ship. These ships can hold any number of Clones. Stack Clones on top of a Green Component before converting it into a Ship. If all of the Clones do not fit in the ship, they can be set aside in a stack.
'''YELLOW:''' Denotes a Cargo Ship. These ships are used for towing your own Components from one base to another, or for stealing Components off of an opponent’s base. Transported Components are placed inside of the piloted Ship. Movement is done in the same manner as a non-towing Ship, but instead of using an unused Black pyramid, the cargo itself is used to measure distance. The cargo is then slipped back into the Ship.
There are two ways to steal a Component...
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* In order to fight another Clone, Clones need to travel in at least a stack of two. Victory in Hand-to-hand combat lies in who has the larger stack of Clones. A stack of 5 Clones is stronger than a stack of 4 Clones. If a stack of 5 Clones were to jump on a stack of 4, the 4 Clones would perish. If two opposing stacks are evenly matched, the Clones will refuse to fight and nothing happens.
* Taking control of an opponent's Space Station and Super Death Ray is both challenging and uncommon, but possible. It calls for the total eradication of a Space Station's operating population. For example...
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In order for a Super Death Ray to fire, it must be charged. This is done by stacking pyramids in between the Medium Red Pyramid and the Large Red Pyramid. To keep better track of how many pyramids are in the Super Death Ray keep all of the Medium Pyramids in the stack on top of the Large Pyramids. A Super Death Ray must have at least 5 pyramids in between the two Reds before it can fire. A turn must also be taken in order to prepare the weapon for firing. For example, if a player loads their 5th pyramid into the Super Death Ray, they cannot fire it until their next turn. If on their next turn they decide to add a 6th pyramid, they cannot fire the weapon until their next turn.
When the Super Death Ray is fired, all of the pyramids in between the two Reds plus the Medium Red are returned to the bank. The player firing the Super Death Ray then removes Components from one of their opponent's Space Stations, less than or equal to the amount of pyramids stacked in their Super Death Ray, and puts them in the bank. If Ungrounded Components or Clones are resting on top of the destroyed Component, of if any Ships are docked onto the destroyed Component, they are also destroyed. Certain Base Components take precedent in getting destroyed.