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Zoning out is a solo or cooperative game of city zoning under constraints, along the lines of the non-pyramid game [https://boardgamegeek.com/boardgame/251658/sprawlopolis Sprawlopolis]. Player(s) draw pyramids from a bag and place them into a city grid. The colors of the pyramids (red, green, blue, yellow, black) correspond to different zones.
The only rules for placement isare that you place pyramids orthogonally adjacent to previous ones, but you may never place a piece next to another piece of the same size, and that diagonals do not exist (you may not place diagonally, and you do not score diagonally). Beyond that, you try to place your pyramids to maximally score subject to some base scoring rules as well as three special scoring rules randomly chosen every game.
The full rules for Zoning Out can be found [https://github.com/dxdydz/321/blob/main/zoningout.md on the living rules GitHub page]. A randomizer for the rules and/or pyramids can also be found [https://mcdemarco.github.io/321/zoningoutrandomizer.html at GitHub].
Zoning Out is part of a collection, [https://github.com/dxdydz/321/ 321], of three games by Spencer Cappallo. The other two are [[Love Triangle]] and [[A River in Egypt]].