Chaos Checkers
Chaos Checkers | ||
Blake Cetnar | ||
A twist on checkers where the pieces constantly gain new abilities | ||
Players: | 2 | |
Length: | unknown | |
Complexity: | High | |
Trios per color: | 5 | |
Number of colors: | 10 | |
- - - - - - Other equipment - - - - - - | ||
3 dice bags, 1 set of Volcano Caps | ||
Setup time: | 5 minutes | |
Strategy depth: | High | |
Random chance: | Medium | |
Game mechanics: | strategic placement, Turn-based | |
Theme: | Strategy | |
Status: Not Specified (v1.0), Year released: 2009 | ||
Created in July, 2009 |
Chaos Checkers ver 1.1
Game design by Blake Cetnar, 2009
Last Edited 3.28.2011
What You Need
• 5 Xeno treehouse sets
• 5 Rainbow Treehouse sets
• Checkers board/bandana
• 3 Dice pouches
• 1 volcano caps set
• 1 Pink Treehouse set (optional)
A standard game of checkers … with a twist. Each of your pieces has a different special ability and each time one of your pieces captures an opposing piece it gains additional/other abilities at random. The goal, of course, is to eliminate your opponent.
Each player picks 3 colors (pick 3 similar colors in order to reduce confusion, such as Red, Orange, Yellow, or Blue, Light Blue, and Purple) and takes four of the 3-pip pieces of each color and sets those pieces on the board at random on their side of the board in the standard checkers setup, he/she takes the remaining 3-pip of each of those colors and places them to the side of the board (this is just to remind each player who owns what colors). Each player takes all 2-pip pieces of their colors and places them in to a small bag and gives it to their opponent. Both players take all of the 1-pip pieces (even the colors not being used) and puts them in to a single dice pouch which both players will draw from. Then each player reaches in to their 2-pip bag and draws a piece and begins placing one on each of their 3-pip pieces on the board starting with the piece furthest away and to the left and working across each row until all of their 3-pip pieces are covered. Finally, each player then takes turns drawing a 1-pip piece from the shared bag and placing it on their pieces, again starting with the piece farthest to the left and working down the rows until all playing pieces are covered.
Play pieces (3-pip pieces)
These are the normal player pieces. Their colors are relevant to denote who owns the pieces and to determine which pieces a shield is effective against.
Shields (2-pip pieces)
The 2-pip piece is called a ‘shield’. The color of the shield piece denotes which color of the opponent that shield is effective against. The shielded piece cannot be jumped and/or captured by opposing pieces that are the same color as the shield. Any friendly piece may only ever have one shield on it at a time. Each time one of your pieces captures an opposing piece it receives a new shield. Discard your current shield on the piece making the capture and replace it with a new random shield piece from your shield bag. If you capture more than one opposing piece in a turn you may draw a number of shield pieces at random at the end of the move equal to the number of opposing pieces captured and then choose one to keep and discard the rest. Shield pieces that are discarded are put back in to your bag to be reused
Potions (1-pip pieces)
The 1-pip piece on each piece is a potion. Unless specified otherwise on the ability sheet, potions may only be played on your own turn. If a player decides to use the special ability of the potion he/she must declare it before moving. Each time one of your pieces captures an opposing piece it receives a new potion. If you do not use a potion ability on the piece you are moving and capture an opposing piece that turn, discard this existing potion and replace it with a new random potion after you have drawn a shield piece. If you capture more than one opposing piece in a turn you may draw a number of potion pieces at random at the end of the move equal to the number of opposing pieces captured and then choose one to keep and discard the rest. You may only use 1 potion per turn. The piece whose potion you use that turn can be different than the piece you move that turn. If you eliminate an opposing piece via using a potion instead of capturing a piece, you do not receive a new potion for that elimination. Potion pieces that are discarded are put back in to the bag to be reused.
There cannot be more than 1 piece in a single square. So a normal piece and a ghost piece cannot co-exist in the same space. Friendly pieces that move to the home row of the opponent are ‘kinged’ as normal. Denote this by placing a 1-pip volcano piece (called the ‘crown’) on it. If the piece does not have a potion then you may draw a potion at random and place it on the king along with the crown. If the piece already has a potion, remove it and draw a new potion at random. Kings can move backwards as in normal checkers.
Special conditions
Potions cannot be used before the first players turn begins. If an opponent has one piece left, that piece cannot be eliminated by use of a potion and it ignores all shields.
Elimination and Winning
The first player to eliminate all opposing pieces wins the game. If the same set of moves is done by both players for 3 rounds in a row the game is considered a draw.
Potion Abilities
Black (Ambush) This piece captures opposing pieces by moving in to the same square as the opposing piece instead of jumping over its space.
Purple (Invulnerability) This ability is used during your opponents turn. If this piece would be captured, remove the potion instead and discard it. This piece is not captured and the opposing piece ends its move as normal. If the opposing piece used the Ambush ability then it does not move.
Yellow (Wild) The player may, during his turn, discard this potion and may search for a new potion piece of the color of his/her choosing.
Orange (Leap) This piece may jump over 1 or 2 spaces (in a straight line) in order to capture an opposing piece.
Lt. Blue (Speedy) Discard this potion when used. This piece may take a 2nd turn immediately after completing the current turn.
Clear (Ghost) This potion may be discarded at the beginning of your turn if you chose to. If this piece becomes kinged then remove this potion. This piece may not capture opposing pieces (though it may still jump opposing pieces) nor be captured by opposing pieces (though opposing pieces may still jump over this piece).
Green (Rewind) Discard this potion when used. You may choose a potion on an opposing piece and discard it.
Blue (Telekinesis) Discard this potion when used. You may take one potion on a friendly piece and transfer it to any friendly piece. If the target the potion is moved to already has a potion, discard the old potion.
White (Revive) Discard this potion when used but do not put this potion back in the bag, remove it from the game completely. Take an eliminated friendly piece and put it back on an empty square on your home row. If there are no empty squares on your home row you may not use this potion.
Red (Sacrifice) Eliminate this potion and the friendly piece it is on and choose one opposing piece and eliminate it as well.
Pink (Reclaim) – Discard this potion when used. The player may discard the shield on one of his pieces and search for a new shield piece of the color of his/her choosing for that piece.
If you wish to playtest and/or have suggestions for changes please contact me via
This game is licensed under a Creative_Commons License and is copyrighted © 2009 by me, Blake Cetnar |