An Aquarius Deck is the deck of colorful cards that comes in the game Aquarius. The artwork on the cards features Earth, Air, Water, Fire, and Space in various combinations. Several other games make use of the cards as components. See: Browse_games/Aquarius_deck for a list.
The original v1.0[1] deck was released in 1998 and contained 60 cards.
In 2009 the v2.0[2] deck was released which contained 79 cards plus an advert card for a total of 80 cards in the box.
In 2021 the v3.0,[3] deck was released which contained 100 cards. The naming convention appears to have changed "Ether" to "Space" in this version.
Version Comparison
Card Type
v1.0 (60 Cards)
v2.0 (79 Cards)
v3.0 (100 Cards)
(5 Cards)
(5 Cards)
(5 Cards)
(15 Cards)
Move a Card (3 each)
Zap a Card (3 each)
Trade Hands (3 each)
Trade Goals (3 each)
Shuffle Goals (3 each)
(18 Cards)
Move a Card (3 each)
Zap a Card (3 each)
Trade Hands (3 each)
Trade Goals (3 each)
Shuffle Hands (3 each)
Rotate Goals (3 each)
(18 Cards)
Move a Card (3 each)
Zap a Card (3 each)
Trade Hands (3 each)
Trade Goals (3 each)
Shuffle Hands (3 each)
Rotate Goals (3 each)
(10 Cards)
Earth (2 each)
Air (2 each)
Fire (2 each)
Water (2 each)
Ether (2 each)
(16 Cards)
Earth (3 each)
Air (3 each)
Fire (3 each)
Water (3 each)
Ether (3 each)
Wild (1 each)
(17 Cards)
Earth (3 each)
Air (3 each)
Fire (3 each)
Water (3 each)
Space (3 each)
Wild (2 each)
(20 Cards)
Horizontal/Short Halves (10 different): one of each possible combination.
Vertical/Long Halves (10 different): one of each possible combination.
(30 Cards)
Horizontal/Short Halves (10 different): one of each possible combination.
Vertical/Long Halves (10 different): one of each possible combination.
Diagonal Halves (10 different): one of each possible combination. Some cards are split "/" and the others "\".
(30 Cards)
Horizontal/Short Halves (10 different): one of each possible combination.
Vertical/Long Halves (10 different): one of each possible combination.
Diagonal Halves (10 different): one of each possible combination. Some cards are split "/" and the others "\".
(0 Cards)
(0 Cards)
(20 Cards)
The art is split in to 1/2 + 1/4 + 1/4 of 3 different elements in different combinations.
1/2 Earth (4 each)
1/2 Air (4 each)
1/2 Fire (4 each)
1/2 Water (4 each)
1/2 Space (4 each)
(10 Different)
No Earth (2 each)
No Air (2 each)
No Fire (2 each)
No Water (2 each)
No Space (2 each)
(10 Different)
No Earth (2 each)
No Air (2 each)
No Fire (2 each)
No Water (2 each)
No Space (2 each)
(10 Different)
No Earth (2 each)
No Air (2 each)
No Fire (2 each)
No Water (2 each)
No Space (2 each)
Note: The 4-Element "quad" cards don't include every possible arrangement of elements. The description of the v1.0[1] and v2.0[2] quads are identical. The v3.0[3] information page lists the quads in a different order so it is unclear if they are the same as in v1.0/2.0
Most games designed for the v1.0 deck should be playable with any version, you might just need to remove the extra cards depending on the rules.