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Games released in 2003

From Looney Pyramid Games Wiki

There are 11 games known to this wiki published in 2003.

NameDescriptionMin PlayersMax PlayersGame MechanicsYear
BabyloneA simple and fast brain teaser for 2 players2Stacking2003
FolioAn abstract strategy game for two players inspired by Quarto2Unknown2003
Ice DaoIce Dao is a quick little n-in-a-row abstract strategy game for two players.2Alignment2003
IceFuThere can be only one2Unknown2003
IceSickleIceSickle is a bit similar to checkers, but was originally inspired by solitaire peg jumping games2Placement, Jumping2003
Sorcerer's Apprentice2Unknown2003
SpickleheadA game of self-inflicted bodily harm...with Icehouse pieces1100Unknown2003
SprawlCompetitive city building38Building, Attacking2003
Tic Tac Doh!Slightly twisted variant of Tic-Tac-Toe2Unknown2003
TöframennA fantasy strategy game where wizards, experts in a variety of elemental arts (represented by nine colors), face off in a battle of good verses evil.2Unknown2003
Ways of the Towering TribesmenTwo barbaric tribes at war2 or 4Interposition2003
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