Module:Infobox Tools
Documentation for this module may be created at Module:Infobox Tools/doc
local str = {}
--Clean wiki text from list game designers and delimt with commas
function str.clean_designer(frame)
local source_str = tostring(frame.args[1]);
local output_str;
--escape pattern characters and remove problem ones
output_str = str._scrubtext(source_str)
output_str = string.gsub(output_str, "%%", "");
--removes usernames (looks cleaner)
output_str = string.gsub(output_str, "User:%w+,", "");
output_str = string.gsub(output_str, "user:%w+,", "");
--remove extra text and delimit two items by a single comma
output_str = string.gsub(output_str, "Designed", "");
output_str = string.gsub(output_str, "designed", "");
output_str = string.gsub(output_str, " by ", "");
output_str = string.gsub(output_str, " with ", "");
output_str = string.gsub(output_str, "&", ",");
output_str = string.gsub(output_str, " and ", ",");
output_str = string.gsub(output_str, ", ,", ",");
output_str = string.gsub(output_str, ",,", ",");
return output_str;
--Clean wiki text from list of description string
function str.clean_description(frame)
local source_str = tostring(frame.args[1]);
local output_str;
--escape pattern characters and remove problem ones
output_str = str._scrubtext(source_str)
output_str = string.gsub(output_str, "%%", "");
return output_str;
--Guess the qualitative game length based on input playing time
function str.guess_length(frame)
local in_min_str = tostring(frame.args[1]);
local in_max_str = tostring(frame.args[2]);
local min_time;
local max_time;
local output_str;
--test of numbers, strip text with units from input, and convert to numbers
first_min_num = string.find(in_min_str, "%d")
if first_min_num ~= nil then
in_min_str = string.gsub(in_min_str, "%D", "")
min_time = tonumber(in_min_str)
min_time = 1
first_max_num = string.find(in_max_str, "%d")
if first_max_num ~= nil then
in_max_str = string.gsub(in_max_str, "%D", "")
max_time = tonumber(in_max_str)
max_time = -1
--guess game length based on playing time
if (max_time < 0 and min_time < 30) then
output_str = "unknown"
elseif (min_time < 10 and max_time <= 15) then
output_str = "Fast?"
elseif (min_time < 30 and max_time <= 45) then
output_str = "Medium?"
output_str = "Long?"
return output_str;
--Guess the number of trios per color needed
--NOTE WELL: once all of the game pages are upgraded, this function can be deleted
--"sets" means five-color "Treehouse stashes" of 1 trio each of 5 colors
function str.guess_trios_per_color(frame)
local in_sets_str = tostring(frame.args[1]);
local output_str;
--Assumes 5 trios per color unless noted otherwise
first_sets_alphanum = string.find(in_sets_str, "%w")
if (first_sets_alphanum ~= nil) then
output_str = in_sets_str
output_str = "5"
return output_str;
--Guess the number of colors needed
--NOTE WELL: once all of the game pages are upgraded, this function can be deleted
--"stashes" means old-style MONOCHROME stashes of 5 trios in a 1 color
function str.guess_number_of_colors(frame)
local in_stashes_str = tostring(frame.args[1]);
local output_str;
--Assumes 5 five colors unless noted otherwise
first_stashes_alphanum = string.find(in_stashes_str, "%w")
if (first_stashes_alphanum) ~= nil then
output_str = in_stashes_str
output_str = "5"
return output_str;
--Clean wiki text from list of other_equip and delimit with commas
function str.clean_equip(frame)
local source_str = tostring(frame.args[1]);
local output_str;
--escape pattern characters and remove problem ones
output_str = str._scrubtext(source_str)
output_str = string.gsub(output_str, "%%", "");
--delimit two items by a single comma
output_str = string.gsub(output_str, "&", ",");
output_str = string.gsub(output_str, " and ", ",");
output_str = string.gsub(output_str, ", ,", ",");
output_str = string.gsub(output_str, ",,", ",");
output_str = string.gsub(output_str, " , ", "");
return output_str;
--Create wiki links to common extra equipment
--note: this only works for certain standardized component names (NEEDS UPDATING)
--WARNING! This might run slowly!
function str.linkify_equip(frame)
local source_str = tostring(frame.args[1]);
local output_str;
--escape pattern characters and remove problem ones
output_str = str._scrubtext(source_str)
output_str = string.gsub(output_str, "%%", "");
--create links
output_str = string.gsub(output_str, "Chessboard", "[[Chessboard]]");
output_str = string.gsub(output_str, "chessboard", "[[Chessboard]]");
output_str = string.gsub(output_str, "Volcano board", "[[Volcano board]]");
output_str = string.gsub(output_str, "Martian Coaster", "[[Martian Coaster board|Martian Coaster]]");
output_str = string.gsub(output_str, "Wheel board", "[[Wheel board]]");
output_str = string.gsub(output_str, "Stash pad", "[[Stash pad]]");
output_str = string.gsub(output_str, "Piecepack", "[[Piecepack]]");
output_str = string.gsub(output_str, "Playing cards", "[[Playing cards]]");
output_str = string.gsub(output_str, "playing cards", "[[playing cards]]");
output_str = string.gsub(output_str, "Zark City", "[[Zark City deck|Zark City]]");
output_str = string.gsub(output_str, "Dice", "[[Dice|Dice]]");
output_str = string.gsub(output_str, "dice", "[[Dice|dice]]");
output_str = string.gsub(output_str, "Die", "[[Dice|Die]]");
output_str = string.gsub(output_str, "die", "[[Dice|die]]");
output_str = string.gsub(output_str, "bag", "[[Opaque bag|bag]]");
output_str = string.gsub(output_str, "tokens", "[[Marking_stone|tokens]]");
output_str = string.gsub(output_str, "stones", "[[Marking_stone|stones]]");
output_str = string.gsub(output_str, "Poker chips", "[[Poker chips]]");
output_str = string.gsub(output_str, "poker chips", "[[poker chips]]");
return output_str;
--Create wiki links from the comma separated list of extra equipment
function str.linkify_equip_list(frame)
local source_str = tostring(frame.args[1]);
local output_str = '';
local temp_str;
--escape pattern characters and remove problem ones
temp_str = str._scrubtext(source_str);
temp_str = string.gsub(temp_str, "%%", "");
--Add a comma to the end of the list so the loop can find every item
temp_str = temp_str .. ',';
--Loop through the list and append link brackets and the value to the output
for w in temp_str:gmatch("(.-),") do
--Remove whitespace from the ends of the strings
local str = string.gsub(w, '^%s*(.-)%s*$', '%1')
output_str = output_str .. '[[Equipment/' .. str .. '|' .. str ..']], '
--Remove the extra comma and space that got added at the end
output_str = output_str:sub(1, -3);
return output_str;
--Clean and concat list of game mechanics
function str.clean_mechs(frame)
local game_m = tostring(frame.args[1]) or "";
local old_prime_m = tostring(frame.args[2]) or "";
local old_add_m = tostring(frame.args[3]) or "";
local merged_str = " ";
local output_str;
local any_vals_inputted = 0;
--merging the list together in (hopefuly) a smart way
first_game_alphanum = string.find(game_m, "%w")
if first_game_alphanum ~= nil then
merged_str = game_m
any_vals_inputted = 1
first_old_prime_alphanum = string.find(old_prime_m, "%w")
if (any_vals_inputted > 0 and first_old_prime_alphanum ~= nil) then
merged_str = merged_str..","..old_prime_m
elseif first_old_prime_alphanum ~= nil then
merged_str = old_prime_m
any_vals_inputted = 1
first_old_add_alphanum = string.find(old_add_m, "%w")
if (any_vals_inputted > 0 and first_old_add_alphanum ~= nil) then
merged_str = merged_str..","..old_add_m
elseif first_old_add_alphanum ~= nil then
merged_str = old_add_m
any_vals_inputted = 1
if any_vals_inputted > 0 then
--escape pattern characters and remove problem ones
output_str = str._scrubtext(merged_str)
output_str = string.gsub(output_str, "%%", "");
--remove extra text (if empty or the user tried to link pages themselves)
output_str = string.gsub(output_str, "Category:", "");
output_str = string.gsub(output_str, ", ,", ",");
output_str = string.gsub(output_str, ",,", ",");
output_str = string.gsub(output_str, " , ", ", ");
output_str = string.gsub(output_str, " , ", "");
output_str = 'unknown';
return output_str;
--Concat and create internal wiki links for a list of game mechanics
function str.linkify_mechs(frame)
local game_m = tostring(frame.args[1]) or "";
local old_prime_m = tostring(frame.args[2]) or "";
local old_add_m = tostring(frame.args[3]) or "";
local merged_str = " ";
local output_str;
local any_vals_inputted = 0;
--merging the list together in (hopefuly) a smart way
first_game_alphanum = string.find(game_m, "%w")
if first_game_alphanum ~= nil then
merged_str = game_m
any_vals_inputted = 1
first_old_prime_alphanum = string.find(old_prime_m, "%w")
if (any_vals_inputted > 0 and first_old_prime_alphanum ~= nil) then
merged_str = merged_str..","..old_prime_m
elseif first_old_prime_alphanum ~= nil then
merged_str = old_prime_m
any_vals_inputted = 1
first_old_add_alphanum = string.find(old_add_m, "%w")
if (any_vals_inputted > 0 and first_old_add_alphanum ~= nil) then
merged_str = merged_str..","..old_add_m
elseif first_old_add_alphanum ~= nil then
merged_str = old_add_m
any_vals_inputted = 1
if any_vals_inputted > 0 then
--escape pattern characters and remove problem ones
output_str = str._scrubtext(merged_str)
output_str = string.gsub(output_str, "%%", "");
--remove extra text (in case the user tried to link pages themselves)
output_str = string.gsub(output_str, "Category:", "");
output_str = string.gsub(output_str, ", ,", ",");
output_str = string.gsub(output_str, ",,", ",");
output_str = string.gsub(output_str, " , ", ", ");
output_str = string.gsub(output_str, " , ", "");
--expand commas and create links (in theory)
output_str = string.gsub(output_str, ",", "]], [[");
output_str = "[["..output_str.."]]";
output_str = ""
return output_str;
--Clean wiki text from theme
function str.clean_theme(frame)
local source_str = tostring(frame.args[1]);
local output_str;
--escape pattern characters and remove problem ones
output_str = str._scrubtext(source_str)
output_str = string.gsub(output_str, "%%", "");
return output_str;
--Clean wiki text from BGG_link
function str.clean_url(frame)
--NOTE: this function does not seem to work as expected. Use the {{clean_URL}} template instead.
local source_str = tostring(frame.args[1]);
local output_str;
--escape pattern characters and remove problem ones
output_str = str._scrubtext(source_str)
output_str = string.gsub(output_str, ",", " ");
--cut off link text
end_index = string.find(output_str, "%s+", 10)
if end_index then
output_str = string.sub(output_str, 1, end_index)
--put back certain escaped charaters that might haave been part of the URL
output_str = string.gsub(output_str, "%+", "+");
output_str = string.gsub(output_str, "%-", "-");
output_str = string.gsub(output_str, "%.", ".");
output_str = string.gsub(output_str, "%%", "%");
return output_str;
--Helper function that escapes pattern characters and cleans out wiki markup
function str._scrubtext(str_with_wikitext)
clean_str = string.gsub(str_with_wikitext, "([%(%)%.%%%+%-%*%?%[%^%$%]])", "%%%1");
clean_str = string.gsub(clean_str, "|", ",");
clean_str = string.gsub(clean_str, "%[", "");
clean_str = string.gsub(clean_str, "%]", "");
return clean_str;
--Take the free-form setup_time field and convert it to a single numeric value
function str.setup_time_to_minutes(frame)
local str = tostring(frame.args[1]);
--Prepend "9999" to the string in case they didn't enter any digits
--This will make it easy to identify games with no digits in the setup_time field
--Appending "zzz" to the end to prevent errors when looking past a digit at the end
str = 9999 .. " " .. str .. "zzz"
num = 0;
--Find the last set of numeric digits in the string
for w in string.gmatch(str, "%d+") do
num = w;
--Find the position of the digits we found above
a, b = string.find(str, num)
--Get all of the text after the digits we found
text = string.sub(str, b+1, -1);
--Get the first 3 letters in the text above
units = string.sub(text, string.find(text, "%a%a%a"))
--Check if they likely entered seconds instead of minutes
if string.lower(units) == 'sec' then
--Divide the seconds by 60 and round up
num = math.ceil(num/60)
--Return the number of minutes without anything else
return num;
return str