Welcome! Edit

Hey, thanks for stopping in and checking out PARANOIA! Please feel free to leave me comments and critisicm in the COMMENTS AND CRITICISM section below.

The Why... Edit

Paranoia the Role Playing Game has been around for many years and is a super fun game to play when you want a break from all the other "not-fun", serious RPG's. But I found myself In a dilemma where I don't really have anyone around that plays RPGs, don't have the hours to devote to a decent gaming session, but I wanted to play Paranoia. So, I was sitting around one day, bored and playing with pyramids, when I started daydreaming about past Paranoia gaming sessions and a Paranoia story I've been writing. When I noticed that I had absentmindedly built a little tower of large pyramids in the ROY-G-BIV scheme, it struck me that the pyramids might be great for a making a board game version of the game. The idea was to create a game themed after the paranoia universe that was simpler than the RPG, took less time to play, but still gave you that lovely PARANOIA feel. I think I have been able to accomplish this.

The game is not quite done yet but I work on it as much as I can find time for. Below is a To-Do list that shows what still needs to be done before the game can really be played well.

  • Need to make a MUTANT POWERS section and cards. Honestly, I think the game would be fine without specifying Mutant powers as the bagged pyramids can also represent these, but it might be fun to have them in any case.

* Make Mission Cards and a MISSIONS section that explains how these will work.

  • Make Secret Society Cards and a SECRET SOCIETY section. Again, like the Mutant Powers, I don't think these are really necessary, but it would be fun to have a card that gave you a seperate, written objective to complete to earn rewards and promotions. Like, "Terminate the Player to your left to recieve a promotion to Orange." Or something like that.

* Bolster the DEATH IN ALPHA COMPLEX section to include what a player must do after losing a clone.


Just remember that Insubordination is Treason Citizen...

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