Stephen Rogers (aka capi3101) is currently a graduate student at the University of Oklahoma, studying Journalism with an emphasis in Broadcasting and Electronic Media. He has a Bachelor of Science in Meteorology from OU as well. Stephen is currently employed as a full-time copy-cataloger for OU's University Libraries. In his spare time, he is a contributing member of the Starflight III Project, the only bass/baritone in his church's praise team, and an aspiring novelist and game designer. He prefers board and card games to video games, but has problems finding opponents. He is an amateur collector of rare and unusual games (including the Royal Game of Ur, Senet, Fanorona, and a few others). His internet handle is a bit of an inside joke (and a poor one at that).
Stephen is developing a few Icehouse games with the loving support of his wife, Jill.
- chai'u, which is an Icehouse game only by the loosest of definitions.
- Crystal City Catan, a lawsuit in the making...
- Crystal City, a souped-up variation of Crystal City Catan.
- Martian Mah Jongg, an Icehouse variant of Chinese Mah Jongg.
- and finally, some mess tentatively called Martian Parcheesi.
Stephen is still learning how to edit Wikis, so it may still yet be some time before any of these games are ready for display.