
From Looney Pyramid Games Wiki
Revision as of 00:04, 23 May 2024 by MCDeMarco (talk | contribs) (Add designer game list)

FreeTrav is Jeff Zeitlin, author of the Icehouse game currently called Pentamid (and which will continue to be so called until he finds a name that he likes better) and also of Pach-Ice-i, Par-Trees-i and Martian Coaster Chaturanga. He is currently contemplating getting back "into" game creation with Looney pyramids.

His Icebox is custom-built in clear plastic, with a clear-and-black gameboard. Properly-sized printed gameboards can be placed under the plastic gameboard, allowing the markings to show through, and customizing the gameboard for any particular game that uses an 8x8 or smaller playing area. Pictures can be seen in this LiveJournal entry.

All games that he has created that are on this wiki are released under the Creative Commons (3.0) attribution-sharealike licence, unless indicated otherwise.

Games by Jeff Zeitlin

Name Description Min Players Max Players Status Year Released
Pach-Ice-i Get all your pieces to your opponent's start 2 Complete 2006
Par-Trees-i Get all your pieces to the center goal 2 4 Complete 2006
Pentamid Get five pieces in a row on a Volcano board 2 Complete 2006
Martian Coaster Chaturanga Martian Chess-like game; get the most points at end 2 4 Complete 2007
Pentamid Twist Get five pieces in a row on a set of Martian Coasters. 2 Complete 2013