Collector of board games, player of pinball games, and creator of old-school video games.
My interest in board games and video game design made me think to myself one day, "Are there any strategy games out there that aren't turn-based"? Lo and behold there was at least one, and that one was Icehouse. I was in college and far too poor to justify the purchase of an Icehouse set, but luckily for me I graduated and the Pyramid Arcade Kickstarter was launched shortly thereafter, and now I have it and I love it and I'm a Starship Admiral and everything.
I've developed one Pyramid game so far. It goes by the name of Super Death Ray.
As of 02/01/2017 this is my Starship Admiral list. I've learned nearly 40, but these are the games I truly enjoy.
02. Logger
03. Volcano
04. Petal Battle
05. CrackeD Ice
06. Lunar Invaders (without Malfunction Tokens)
07. World War 5
08. Subdivision
09. Armada (with evenly matched players)
10. Zark City
11. Petri Dish
12. SandShips
13. Apophis
14. Ice Dice
15. Color Wheel
16. Martian Chess
17. Epicycle