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As of 2024, Looney Pyramids are most readily available for purchase in the form of the multi-game set [[https://store.looneylabs.com/products/pyramid-arcade|Pyramid Arcade]] via the [[https://store.looneylabs.com/|Looney Labs store]]. The store currently sells plastic injection-molded pieces with rounded tips. Retail game and book shops are also a good source of Looney Pyramids, sold in boxed copies of [[Zendo]], [[Nomids]], [[Martian Chess]], [[Ice Duo]], and [[Homeworlds]].
There are several different kinds of [[Icehouse piece]]s available for sale. The most common by far are the stackable injection molded colorful pieces from Looney Labs [[plastic pieces]], [[Paper Icehouse|paper pieces]], and [[Giant pieces|giant cardboard pieces]]. [[Crystal Caste]] makes [[stone pieces]] out of semi-precious stone, both solid and stackable kinds. There were other sorts of pieces made in the past; the [[Andrew Looney|Looneys]] made [[solid plastic pieces]] by hand, and then switched to [[xyloid pieces]], before finally settling on the current injection molded [[plastic pieces]]. You can still obtain some of these classic old pieces through [[Andrew Looney|Andrew Looney's]] [http://www.wunderland.com/WTS/Andy/ProjectEBAY/index.html Project Ebay].
One of the drawbacks to the [[Icehouse game system]] is that the pieces are fairly expensive to manufacture. In 2005, the Looneys requested assistance in bringing that price down, by posting a [http://wunderland.com/LooneyLabs/StoveStuff/IcehouseRFQ.html request for quotes] on various parts of the Icehouse manufacturing process.
You can also acquire pyramids by making them yourself via folding [[Paper Icehouse|paper pieces]], or even making [[Giant pieces|giant cardboard pieces]].<br>
Aside from purchasing pieces directly from [http://www.looneylabs.com/OurStores/LooneyLabs.html Looney Labs' Online Store], you can also check with your Friendly Local Game Store (FLGS). If they don't have it in stock, they'd certainly be willing to special-order pieces for you. Not only are you doing a good thing by giving your local store business, but you're helping [[Looney Labs]] by showing the distributors (and your local store) that there's a demand for Looney Labs' products.
To acquire the older style of pyramids with the pointed tips, or rare pyramids such as the semi-precious [[stone pieces]] that used to be made by [[Crystal Caste]], check second-hand markets such as eBay.