Browse games/Paper and pencil

From Looney Pyramid Games Wiki

This is a list of games that require paper and pencil, typically to keep score but occasionally they are used in more inventive ways.

NameDescriptionMin PlayersMax PlayersNumber of colorsTrios per colorGame MechanicsStatus
Cliff MiningUse your deduction skills to work out what's in the cliff351 per player + 12Hidden Information, DeductionPlaytesting
Colorful CluesA deduction game where players try to guess the missing colors24101Stacking, GuessingComplete
CrossroadsA game of placing pyramids and tracing paths3551Placement, Path TracingNearly Complete
HamstersOnIceYou're in a hamster ball in a huge ice arena2444UnknownInitial design
Ice House BowlingA game using IceHouse pieces for bowling.210041UnknownInitial design
Ice MarketA real-time trading game3645UnknownComplete
IceDungeonsQuest through the world with your guide, and lots of paper5UnknownUnknown
IceTradersStarships battle for Good and Evil2645Board gameUnknown
InfluenzaAn Icehouse influence game where different bacteria fight over creating the greatest infections341 per player + 15UnknownUnknown
KumbhaAquarius for IceHouse2553UnknownPlaytesting
Leaning TowersBuild Out Build Up2101 per player + 15UnknownComplete
LimnA Balderdash-style bluffing game41045UnknownPlaytesting
Sky RiseA game of hidden agendas and tower construction255 or 63Hidden goals, Tower building, Shared piecesComplete
SnowblindHow do you win a game if you have more control over your opponents’ pieces than your own?445UnknownComplete
SpellcyclesCast complex spells on other players and gain prestige.2565UnknownComplete
Stacktors!A role-playing game system using pyramids.21001210Tactics, ComparisonPlaytesting
Take It Or Leave ItA "Press Your Luck" style Treehouse game2651Press your luck, Drawing from a bagUnknown
TrackAngelDeduce the location of your opponent's secret submarine on a chessboard212UnknownInitial design
TransformartianCreate grid formations with colored pyramids2455UnknownComplete
UndercutIn Undercut, players try to bid low to get pieces with the lowest value.3555UnknownComplete