
From Looney Pyramid Games Wiki
This game is missing rules. It is preferable to add rules to the wiki, even when they are available off-site.
Dale Newfield
Solace in-play on a Volcano board
patience puzzle for one
:Players Players: 1
:Time Length: Fast
:Complexity Complexity: Low
Trios per color: 5
Number of colors: 2
Pyramid trios:
Monochr. stashes:
Five-color sets:
- - - - - - Other equipment - - - - - -
Volcano board (optional)
Setup time: 2 minutes
Playing time: 1 - 5 minutes
Strategy depth: Moderate
Random chance: In setup only
Game mechanics: Stacking, Set collection
Theme: The wikipage input value is empty (e.g. <code>SomeProperty::, [[]]</code>) and therefore it cannot be used as a name or as part of a query condition.
BGG Link: Solace
Status: Not Specified (v1.0), Year released: 2000
The sequel is Solace II.

Solace is a solitaire puzzle game using two stashes: one opaque and one transparent. It was designed by Dale Newfield circa 2000.

Rules Links (offsite)[edit | edit source]

Note: The nomenclature in the Solace rules is a little dated, and uses "tower" to denote what is now ordinarily called a Tree.

Images[edit | edit source]

Concluded game of Solace on a Volcano board (score 4)