Browse games/Playing cards

From Looney Pyramid Games Wiki

This is a list of games use a deck of regular Playing cards.

NameDescriptionMin PlayersMax PlayersNumber of colorsTrios per colorGame MechanicsStatus
3-HighCooperatively assemble the five trees without running out of cards.1451CooperativeComplete
ApophisA real-time co-op game of saving the world from an asteroid1451Cooperative, Color powersComplete
Atom SmasherA game of dexterity inspired by billiards, carrom, and marbles210011Dexterity, Turn-basedComplete
Barrakesh ExpressControl surface transport on Mars241 per player5Set collection, Hidden goalsPlaytesting
Capture The CardUse Icehouse pieces and strategy to capture cards.245UnknownUnknown
Capture the CardUse Icehouse pieces and strategy to capture a royal flush.224Strategic movementUnknown
CascadesA two-player mountaineering race.232Movement, CardsPlaytesting
Conquest of Marsabstract wargame using pyramids, cards, and dice2453Dice combat, Poker handsPlaytesting
ContinuumUse pyramids and a poker deck to get your trees to exchange places221UnknownPlaytesting
Diamond MineCollect Diamonds from hidden Veins246 (2 must be opaque)5UnknownComplete
European WarA variation on Andy Looney's World War 5.2453UnknownComplete
FreimaurereiConduct lodge-based conspiracies during the European Enlightenment2105Hidden goals, Resource managementComplete
GridironA simple little photo safari game.2452UnknownUnknown
High GroundA game of strategy and luck that uses playing cards as the board and pyramids as the pieces a la Gnostica.241 per player2Playing card game boardPlaytesting
Ice Etin's Cave445UnknownPlaytesting
Ice PointsAn entirely luck driven card battle over a bank of pyramid points.581 per player5UnknownInitial design
Ice Tiddly WinksA quick dexterity game with simultaneous play161 per player5DexterityComplete
Intersectplacement and simultaneous capture225Placement, Simultaneous actionComplete
KrumpA chess-like game where your movement options increase as the game progresses.225UnknownComplete
Leaning TowersBuild Out Build Up2101 per player + 15UnknownComplete
LogisticsA game of Logistics in progress254Capture, Perfect informationPlaytesting
Lonely IceA solitaire game of attack.145UnknownComplete
Martian FloodPlayers score points by building ships & towers that survive the floods341 per player5UnknownPlaytesting
Martian GunslingerAn abstract Western theme boardgame with a checkerboard2452Set collection, Resource management, Direct conflictNearly Complete
Martian PokerIcehouse Additions to an Earthling Standard261 per person5UnknownPlaytesting
Martian TrickeryA trick-taking game where you earn pyramids by winning tricks3451Push your luck, Trick takingInitial design
Martianopolis 500Zip around the track to the finish.241 per player1UnknownPlaytesting
Race to the TopA combination of several non-pyramid games.31055UnknownInitial design
Simple Life or Death2101 per player5UnknownUnknown
Sky RiseA game of hidden agendas and tower construction255 or 63Hidden goals, Tower building, Shared piecesComplete
The SniperSurvive an abduction by outwitting The Sniper451UnknownInitial design
SpellcyclesCast complex spells on other players and gain prestige.2565UnknownComplete
Sphinx's PawEscape from monsters beneath the Great Pyramid of Giza2451RacePlaytesting
Thin IceGrow your fragile ice crystal until it shatters2101 per player5UnknownComplete
ToripokaA set-collecting, bluffing card game based loosely on Three Card Poker.251Capture, Hand managementComplete
Tour de Pyramidea bicycle race simulation set in the French mountains165 to 101 to 5UnknownComplete
Tower WarDraft a deck, then try to wage a war without making the tower collapse.225Dexterity, DraftingComplete
The Wilds of MarsA simple little photo safari game.2452Movement, Hand managementComplete
Zarcanaterritorial control on a board of Tarot cards, with CCG-like card effects241 per player5UnknownComplete
Zark CityA 3HOUSE reduction of Zarcana, using playing cards251 per player3Modular board, Hand & stash managementComplete
Zoink!A game of chance by stealing and regaining pieces.261 per player5Strategic collectionInitial design