Browse games/Medium playing time

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This is a list of medium length games that, ideally, take 10 - 30 minutes (45 min tops) to play.

NameDescriptionPlayersPlayersStashesSetsGame MechanicsStatus
3-HighCooperatively assemble the five trees without running out of cards.CooperativeComplete
3sticaWhat if Gnostica and Risk had a baby?Modular board, Card game, FATE dicePlaytesting
AbiegnusRosicrucian Volcano55 (Rainbow only)Eruption, DivinationComplete
AcceleratorScientists compete to get the most particles out of an accelerator22Rotation, Free pyramid choiceInitial design
Advanced ColonizationA game of space combat and expansion.52 Rainbow StashesUnknownComplete
AlbiorixA chess-like game without capturesChess-likeComplete
Alien City (German)Icehouse Piecepack Hybrid. Städtebau auf einem weit entfernten Planeten für zwei Spieler3Tile laying, Complex scoringComplete
AmoebaA science themed game with an ever-increasing board size.1 per player5PlacementComplete
AntshouseAnts running the gauntlet over a pavement while mean kids tries to splat them.1 per playerUnknownComplete
Aquarius RisingConnect your elements to the higher planes54Placement, Hidden goalsComplete
ArenaRoll a D20 to knock down as many pyramids as possibleUnknownComplete
ArmadaIn Armada, a fleet of fast, maneuverable ships does battle with a fleet of slow, powerful ships.1Measured movementComplete
Around & AroundTreehouse game where players race to the Safe House51UnknownUnknown
Atom SmasherA game of dexterity inspired by billiards, carrom, and marbles11Dexterity, Turn-basedComplete
Attack of the MidsA coop game similar to Flash Point: Fire Rescue3UnknownComplete
Autumn AshA strategic game of color change.104, RX² (2 rainbow and 2 xeno sets)Stacking, MovementComplete
Bag of IceA simple push-your-luck game for many different player counts52Push-your-luckUnknown
Ballistic WarsA pure strategy game of knocking down enemy walls4UnknownPlaytesting
Battle RoyalA Chesslike game for a TreeHouse set1 per player1UnknownUnknown
Battle Zone3UnknownComplete
Battle of the Body SnatchersCapture more villagers and enemy aliens than your opponent.4CapturingComplete
Behind Enemy LinesMultiplayer war based game2Roll and moveInitial design
Block ur Friends aka BurFInspired by the game Saikoro where board options are removed, in this one it fills44Blocking, Dice RollingNearly Complete
BoundaryTransfer pyramids to the other world.1Race, BlockingComplete
Branches & Twigs & Thorns (Polish)Gra strategiczna, gracze zapełniają plansze swoimi piramidami.1 per player5Zapełnianie planszy, Dokładanie piramidekComplete
Builders of R'lyehConstructing the drowned city of Cthulhu1 per player + 15Stacking, DexterityComplete
Buyer's Market1 per player + 51Building, BiddingComplete
Candy CaptureEarn the most points once all candy pieces are captured1UnknownInitial design
CapstoneIn Capstone, players try to build stacks that match their secret goal stacks.4Stacking, Hidden informationComplete
Capture the CardUse Icehouse pieces and strategy to capture a royal flush.24Strategic movementUnknown
Cardinal ConnectionsIn Cardinal Connections, players try to make more pyramids point towards themselves than toward the other players.15BoardComplete
Carrots and BroccoliA abstract game about planning a garden51 per playerTimer, IceDiceComplete
CascadesA two-player mountaineering race.32Movement, CardsPlaytesting
ChaosCollect all 10 colorsUnknownPlaytesting
Chicken RunA whimsical chicken roundup with overly enthusiastic spectators102Equipment/Chessboard, Equipment/DiceComplete
ChivalryBe the first player to jump two queens off the opposing side of the board.2UnknownComplete
Circuit ConnectionA connection game of position where you score points for groups on a board I made3Connection, Positional playInitial design
Cliff MiningUse your deduction skills to work out what's in the cliffHidden Information, DeductionPlaytesting
Colorful CluesA deduction game where players try to guess the missing colors102 (1 Rainbow and 1 Xeno)Stacking, GuessingComplete
ContinuumUse pyramids and a poker deck to get your trees to exchange places21UnknownPlaytesting
Cover UpCover up your opponent's options and get 4-in-a-rowUnknownComplete
CoverFireA war-game with programmed movementUnknownInitial design
CrackeD ICE (Polish)Gra zręcznościowa, stąpając po lodzie należy uważać, by się nie załamał.1 na gracza5Dokładanie piramidek, Gra zręcznościowaComplete
CrackeD IceDon't tip the ice floe!1 per player5Dexterity, BalanceComplete
The CrossingChinese Checkers variant. Be the first to get your pieces to the opposite corner.23Move, JumpComplete
DashBe the first to finish.1UnknownInitial design
DeceptionIn Deception, players try to get their secret pyramid to the other end of the board while avoiding capture.6UnknownInitial design
DogFightA war-game with programmed movementUnknownInitial design
Dragon GardensCultists work to build a garden worthy of dragon worship and performing ritualsUnknownUnknown
DragonflockDragons intimidate each other and lay waste to hapless towns23Stacking, CaptureUnknown
Elemental TowersA solitaire game played with an Aquarius deckUnknownComplete
ElementalistUse the elements at your disposal and wage epic war against an opponent!3Direct conflictInitial design
EnantiomerfolkCapture your opponent's pieces with their own piecesCapturingComplete
European WarA variation on Andy Looney's World War 5.3UnknownComplete
EvacuateGet your Stacktor clans out of burning nightclubs before your rival/s manage/s to do the same.45, 4 for a 2-player gameStacking, PlacementPlaytesting
FleetA space fleet game1-2UnknownPlaytesting
FocusA game that combines pyramids with Magic: The Gathering cardsUnknownComplete
FoxtrotAn abstract game of alignment3UnknownPlaytesting
Freeze TagPyramids race to the other side, trying not to get frozen along the way.1 per player2Volcano Board, Equipment/DiceComplete
Game of PrincesThe two sons of the king play a racing game to one another’s carpets with help of their servitors55Piece movementInitial design
GeomancyThe Game of Casting and Recasting1 per playerUnknownUnknown
GnaqushHop to the other end of the board and promote your pieces1 stash per playerUnknownComplete
HailstormA very random betting game4+DexterityComplete
HexanoA variant of Volcano played on a 3x3 hexagonal board instead of a 5x5 square one5EruptionPlaytesting
HextrisAn abstract connection game of moving, swapping, and removing1 per player5Placement, MovementUnknown
Homeworlds SettlersPlayers vie for resources on a conquered Homeworld.43Placement, Color powers, Turn-based, Movement, Resource management, CaptureComplete
HostagesBe the first player to rescue all 5 of your hostages by returning them to your base.2UnknownComplete
How Pretty Is That?Players take turns making trees and placing them on a mega-volcano board6+UnknownUnknown
I Have ColorA color based children's word game.1 or 2Abstract, DrawComplete
Ice Fishing4UnknownComplete
Ice MinersA 2-player game of underground survival inspired by Settlers of Catan.Resource management, BuildingInitial design
Ice StalksDraw magic rocks to grow colored stalksUnknownNearly Complete
Ice-TurnPyramid version of Q-Turn.1Stacking, RaceComplete
IceDamThis is a multiplayer variant of IceSickle.1 per playerIceSickleComplete
IceDicePlayers roll dice to select pieces, but roll the same color twice and lose everything you gained this turn!51 per playerSet collection, Push your luckComplete
IceHanoiA solo game of trying to turn nests into trees15UnknownInitial design
IcecasterA two-fisted spell-casting battle for 2 or more players.51 per playerDexterity, TurnlessInitial design
Iceland VolcanoLava flows for points as the volcano erupts!55Game boardComplete
IglooA turn-based version of Icehouse, with only one color worth points by the end.45UnknownComplete
IkkozendoA Zendo variant with a limited number of pyramids and players51Turn-based, Inductive logicComplete
InitiativeAn abstract fencing game of perfect information.2Perfect information, Piece placementPlaytesting
IntersectPlacement and simultaneous capture2Placement, Simultaneous actionComplete
IririBuild a crossword from a shrinking alien dictionary!Pattern matchingComplete
JewellersOur jewelry has always been taken care of by masters from Florence, Italy, the famous Piccolo-Espresso family.1UnknownComplete
KaeruJumping from waterlily to waterlily, your frogs try to eat the prey they like the most21Piece movement, CollectionComplete
King o' the CastleA strategy game where players try to invade one another's castlesUnknownPlaytesting
King of the Sinking IcebergJump and capture small caps on a shrinking board2UnknownInitial design
KotraA dice strategy game similar to Backgammon, played on a chessboard.2MovementComplete
KrumpA chess-like game where your movement options increase as the game progresses.2UnknownComplete
La Columna de TrajanoAn abstract strategy board game of elimination for Icehouse3Movement, EliminationUnknown
La Linterna de Lisi­cratesAn abstract strategy game of stackingUnknownPlaytesting
LandrushCompete to own the land worth the greatest value.1 per playerUnknownUnknown
Latent BinariesAbide by the rules of binaries... Rely on deductive reasoning and luck to create weaknesses in your opponent's defenses in order to have a clear shot at taking control of their base.1010MovementUnknown
LoggerA lumberjack-themed game for 2-4 playersBoardComplete
LogisticsA game of Logistics in progress4Capture, Perfect informationPlaytesting
Looney LudoNavigate an ever-changing maze and collect the right pieces to win1 per player1Stacking, Dynamic boardComplete
Lunar InvadersInterlunar teleportation death struggle!3UnknownComplete
MaliceAn abstract strategy game of piece movement, capture and teleportation.23Capture, Perfect informationPlaytesting
Martian BoggleMove pyramids around a letter grid to spell wordsUnknownComplete
Martian ChaturajiA four-player partnership variant of Martian Chaturanga.UnknownComplete
... further results