
From Looney Pyramid Games Wiki

Under development

This game is currently under development, in the Initial Design stage. Feedback is strongly encouraged! Feel free to give comments on game design or structure on the talk page.

Designed by Erik Oosterwal
A strategy game where you try to connect opposing edges of an 8x8 board.
:Players Players: 2
:Time Length: Long
:Complexity Complexity: Low
Trios per color: 4
Number of colors: 2
Pyramid trios:
Monochr. stashes: 2
Five-color sets: 4
- - - - - - Other equipment - - - - - -
8x8 board
Setup time: 1 minute or less
Playing time: 10 minutes - 60 minutes
Strategy depth: Medium
Random chance: None
Game mechanics: Movement
Theme: Abstract
BGG Link:
Status: Initial design (v1.0), Year released: 2012

Objective[edit | edit source]

Be the first player to build a bridge connecting the top and bottom edges of the board i.e. the side where your pieces started to the side where your opponent's pieces started.

Pieces are considered to be connected only when that are orthoganally adjacent. Diagonally adjacent pieces are not connected.

Equipment Needed[edit | edit source]

4 trees in 2 colors. 8x8 playing board (Chess board)

Setup[edit | edit source]

Arrange pyramids with the 4 large pyramids at the center of the side closest to you, place 2 mediums to the left of the large pyramids and 2 mediums to the right of the large pyramids, and the 4 small pyramids in the center of the second row adjacent to the 4 large pyramids.

2 2 3 3 3 3 2 2
    1 1 1 1    
    1 1 1 1    
2 2 3 3 3 3 2 2

Movement Rules[edit | edit source]

Large pyramids jump in a 2 up, 1 over fashion, like knights in the game of chess.

  X   X  
X       X
X       X
  X   X  

Medium pyramids move in a straight diagonal line as many spaces as desired as long as there are no other pyramids in its path. This is similar to a bishop in the game of Chess.

Small pyramids may move 1 space in any orthogonal or diagonal direction, like a king in the game of chess.

Object of the Game[edit | edit source]

Be the first player to build a bridge connecting the top and bottom edges of the board i.e. the side where your pieces started to the side where your opponent's pieces started.

Pieces are considered to be connected only when that are orthoganally adjacent. Diagonally adjacent pieces are not connected.

Game Play[edit | edit source]


For the first round, the start player is picked randomly. For all subsequent rounds, the player who lost the previous round chooses who will start the next round.


During their turn, a player must move one of their pieces using the Movement Rules shown above.


A round (or game) ends when one player successfully connects the top and bottom edges of the board. See the Variations section for the number of turns in a round and the number of rounds in a game.

Variations[edit | edit source]

Number of rounds in a game:

  1. Single Round Format:
    When the game is played in single round format, each game consists of one round only.
  2. Multi-Round Format:
    When the round ends, the player's bridges are scored. Each piece that is not part of a completed bridge counts as 1 point. Like in the game of golf, the object is to end the game with the lowest score.

    In multi-round format, players may choose to play a predetermined number of rounds (eg. 8 rounds) or they can play until one player has exceeded a predetermined number of points (eg. 100 points.) In either of these methods, the player with the lowest score wins the game.

Number of turns in a round:

  1. Instant Win:
    The round is complete as soon as one player successfully connects the top and bottom edges of the board.

  2. Delayed Win:
    Each player is given the same number of turns, i.e. if the starting player was the first to connect the top and bottom edges, then the second player is allowed to make one additional move.