Browse games/Medium strategy depth

From Looney Pyramid Games Wiki

This is a list of games with some strategy.

NameDescriptionMin PlayersMax PlayersNumber of colorsTrios per colorGame MechanicsStatus
3-HighCooperatively assemble the five trees without running out of cards.1451CooperativeComplete
3sticaWhat if Gnostica and Risk had a baby?251 per player3Modular board, Card game, FATE dicePlaytesting
A-A-Arctic KetteringAn abstract game of capturing trees on a mutated modular chessboard21 per player5Modular boardComplete
AbiegnusRosicrucian Volcano125 (Rainbow only)5Eruption, DivinationComplete
AcceleratorScientists compete to get the most particles out of an accelerator2422Rotation, Free pyramid choiceInitial design
AebGrow your forces and destroy the enemy.2445UnknownPlaytesting
AmbushA capture game for 2 players with 2 stashes and 4 Martian Coasters.225Beverage-coaster manipulationComplete
AmoebaA science themed game with an ever-increasing board size.261 per player5PlacementComplete
AntshouseAnts running the gauntlet over a pavement while mean kids tries to splat them.241 per player5UnknownComplete
ApophisA real-time co-op game of saving the world from an asteroid1451Cooperative, Color powersComplete
Aquarius RisingConnect your elements to the higher planes2554Placement, Hidden goalsComplete
ArmadaIn Armada, a fleet of fast, maneuverable ships does battle with a fleet of slow, powerful ships.215Measured movementComplete
Armada 2KIn Armada 2K, fleets of warships do battle on the open seas.2101 per player5Measured movementComplete
Around & AroundTreehouse game where players race to the Safe House241 per player1UnknownUnknown
AscendancyA turn-based game of tower building.251 per player5UnknownPlaytesting
AutomatonThis is a Robotic Combat game2445Simultaneous actionComplete
Barrakesh ExpressControl surface transport on Mars241 per player5Set collection, Hidden goalsPlaytesting
Battle Zone253UnknownComplete
Battle of the Body SnatchersCapture more villagers and enemy aliens than your opponent.245CapturingComplete
Bears, Foxes & HaresA race to the center241 per player + 11UnknownComplete
Black ICEThe 3HOUSE game of computer cracking253Discovering codes underneath opaque pyramidsComplete
Blam!Looking for someone to shove? Strategize in Blam! with two to four elbow-room seekers.241 per player5Behavior predictionComplete
Blockade3D race game265Roll-and-moveComplete
BluetorchA quick auction game for three players.3303 Rainbow StashesAuctionUnknown
Bottoms UpA stacking game with color powers for 4 to 6 players4665UnknownPlaytesting
BoundaryTransfer pyramids to the other world.241Race, BlockingComplete
Branches & Twigs & ThornsPlayers build branching tree structures from a root, trying to always branch from their own pieces, not their opponent's.241 per player5UnknownComplete
BridgeA strategy game where you try to connect opposing edges of an 8x8 board.224MovementInitial design
Builders of R'lyehConstructing the drowned city of Cthulhu151 per player + 15Stacking, DexterityComplete
Buyer's Market241 per player + 53 to 4Building, BiddingComplete
CapstoneIn Capstone, players try to build stacks that match their secret goal stacks.245Stacking, Hidden informationComplete
Capture The CardUse Icehouse pieces and strategy to capture cards.245UnknownUnknown
Capture the CardUse Icehouse pieces and strategy to capture a royal flush.224Strategic movementUnknown
Capture the Flag2 or 3 players try to capture an opponent's flag in an ever-shrinking space.231 per player5Capture, Shrinking BoardInitial design
Cardinal ConnectionsIn Cardinal Connections, players try to make more pyramids point towards themselves than toward the other players.2415BoardComplete
Carrots and BroccoliA abstract game about planning a garden2451 per playerTimer, IceDiceComplete
CatapultsIn Catapults, each player builds a castle and then tries to tear down the castles of the other players.1101 per player5UnknownPlaytesting
Chain ReactionFire 'particles' at 'atoms' and direct the chain reaction to let you capture pieces2665Stacking, PlacementPlaytesting
ChivalryBe the first player to jump two queens off the opposing side of the board.225UnknownComplete
Circuit ConnectionA connection game of position where you score points for groups on a board I made235Connection, Positional playInitial design
Coaster ChessMartian Chess meets Martian Coasters2414UnknownPlaytesting
Color ClaimBuild stacks with your claimed color on top to score points.252CapturingComplete
Color WheelTry to connect all same colored pyramids before time runs out!15103Cooperative, PuzzleComplete
ColorblindA color mixing logic game29 (one opaque)1DeductionNearly Complete
Conquest of Marsabstract wargame using pyramids, cards, and dice2453Dice combat, Poker handsPlaytesting
The CrossingChinese Checkers variant. Be the first to get your pieces to the opposite corner.2423Move, JumpComplete
CrossroadsA game of placing pyramids and tracing paths3551Placement, Path TracingNearly Complete
CryosquareDynamic two-player, two-stash connection game played on a chessboard.225ConnectionInitial design
Crystal HabitA game of mineralogy. Create crystal composites of different sizes and composition.251 per player3 to 5StackingInitial design
Crystal TradersTrade crystals with people from other worlds3645UnknownPlaytesting
DeceptionIn Deception, players try to get their secret pyramid to the other end of the board while avoiding capture.265UnknownInitial design
DodgerCatch the Fugitive in an ever changing landscape.21035Stacking, Jumping, Placing, MovingInitial design
Drag RaceAn abstract race game of second guessing in second gear.252BluffingComplete
DragonflockDragons intimidate each other and lay waste to hapless towns223Stacking, CaptureUnknown
E, the Game of Martian Chinese Checkers261 per player5UnknownComplete
EOFPlayers use icehouse pieces to make patterns in a data stream.2445UnknownPlaytesting
EdgesAn abstract placement game played on the edges (not squares or points) of a grid representing the Martian canal network.225UnknownComplete
EfniUse pyramids to win Fluxx goals261 per player5Set collection, Hidden informationComplete
Egyptian SolitaireA solitaire puzzle game combining Peg Solitaire with a Rubik's Cube.1443Stacking, EliminationComplete
Elemental TowersA solitaire game played with an Aquarius deck153UnknownComplete
Emperor's GardenTry destroying the Fujiwara clan to assert the new Emperor's power241 per player + 11Victory points, GuessingComplete
EpicycleExchange your pieces for those in a circle. Avoid getting 3 pieces of the same size.215Behavior predictionComplete
European WarA variation on Andy Looney's World War 5.2453UnknownComplete
EvacuateGet your Stacktor clans out of burning nightclubs before your rival/s manage/s to do the same.2445, 4 for a 2-player gameStacking, PlacementPlaytesting
ExtinctionTwo races of creatures fight to make the other go extinct.225CaptureComplete
The Fast and Ferocious; or, Black IceA racing game with multiple tracks and self-placed obstacles.2651RaceInitial design
FleetA space fleet game2551 - 2UnknownPlaytesting
Force Field FactionsAn abstract strategy game loosely inspired by Homeworlds and RAMBots2103UnknownInitial design
Freeze TagPyramids race to the other side, trying not to get frozen along the way.241 per player2Volcano Board, Equipment/DiceComplete
Game of PrincesThe two sons of the king play a racing game to one another’s carpets with help of their servitors255Piece movementInitial design
GeodetoPlanet Earth is full of beautiful and interesting places.2661UnknownComplete
GeomancyThe Game of Casting and Recasting261 per player5ThrowingUnknown
Giants and DwarvesSingle Stash Game being translated into Treehouse2315UnknownUnknown
Gleebs and GruesAbsorb your enemies while trying not to be eaten by a grue.251Placement, CapturingComplete
GnaqushHop to the other end of the board and promote your pieces241 per player5UnknownComplete
GridironA simple little photo safari game.2452UnknownUnknown
HexachessChess for 2 to 3 players on a hexagonal board.231 per player5CaptureInitial design
HexanoA variant of Volcano played on a 3x3 hexagonal board instead of a 5x5 square one255EruptionPlaytesting
Hexano-DuelA more strategic variant of Volcano played with 9 stashes on a hexagonal board295VolcanoUnknown
High RiseA game of trying to build the biggest towers in order to control the most valuable properties on a Martian Coasters square222UnknownUnknown
HomejinksTiny space combat inspired by Homeworlds2313Capture, Freeform BoardComplete
Houses of ThothErecting Pyramids on Tarot cards, and vice versa2555Accumulation, ConstructionPlaytesting
HuntA hunt in a deadly maze2452UnknownComplete
Ice ArenaIce Arena is a tactical arena combat game.2445UnknownInitial design
Ice ColonyA game of trying to build up your colony and take control of a variety of terrain and eliminate your opponent.24105Direct conflict, EliminationNearly Complete
Ice DerbyIce Derby is a tactical Destruction derby game.2454Armada style movement, RammingInitial design
Ice MerchantsVenus is a hot place: The Place for the "in" crowd, party central for the solar system, and a tourist trap par excellance. There's just one problem. It's a HOT place...455UnknownUnknown
Ice PalaceA game of simple mechanics but complex interactions where players compete to win “hands” and ultimately control the construction of the Ice Palace.361 per player + 25Placement, Pyramid drawComplete
IceCreamA two player game that requires no playing surface.234UnknownUnknown
IceCubedA game utilizing IceDice components and a Mega-Volcano board: Players are randomly given opportunities for movement, attack, and supply to the board while also presented the opportunity to seek revenge and wreak havoc on their opponents.2451 per player + 1Board, Equipment/Dice, Shared PiecesPlaytesting
IceDuelA miniatures-oriented, arena duel game with an unusual character creation format.2445Color powersInitial design
IceFrogsPlayers jump their pyramids across the board in an attempt to get a piece into their opponent's start space.231 per player5Stacking, JumpingComplete
IceFuThere can be only one225UnknownUnknown
IceSickleIceSickle is a bit similar to checkers, but was originally inspired by solitaire peg jumping games215Placement, JumpingComplete
IceTowersControl the most valuable towers261 per player5Stacking pyramids, TurnlessComplete
IceTradersStarships battle for Good and Evil2645Board gameUnknown
IcehouseIcehouse is a real time game with a freeform board, with players placing attacking and defending pieces as rapidly or as cautiously as they want. But don't go into meltdown!351 per player5Real time, Freeform boardComplete
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