Browse games/Four sets

From Looney Pyramid Games Wiki

This is a list of games that require four Rainbow/Xeno sets to play.

For more 4-player games, see also Browse games/Sets per player

NameDescriptionMin PlayersMax PlayersOther EquipmentGame MechanicsStatus
Autumn AshA strategic game of color change.2A 5x6 BoardStacking, MovementComplete
Barsoomian JetanFantasy chess on Barsoom (Mars)210x10 grid boardChess, Angular movementComplete
Block ur Friends aka BurFInspired by the game Saikoro where board options are removed, in this one it fills24Chess board, PawnsBlocking, Dice RollingNearly Complete
BridgeA strategy game where you try to connect opposing edges of an 8x8 board.28x8 boardMovementInitial design
Capture the CardUse Icehouse pieces and strategy to capture a royal flush.2a deck of cards including two JokersStrategic movementUnknown
GalaA traditional chess-like game from northern Europe a.k.a. Farmer's Chess.2410 x 10 grid boardCaptureComplete
Homeworlds (German)Ein Strategiespiel um epische Weltraumschlachten26Spielkarten (für Original Homeworlds)UnknownComplete
Ice DerbyIce Derby is a tactical Destruction derby game.24Armada style movement, RammingInitial design
IceCreamA two player game that requires no playing surface.2None.UnknownUnknown
Icebomb Arena45ChessboardUnknownInitial design
InfiltrateBuild an army and fight your way through the enemy's lines.2Mega-Volcano boardArmy buildingComplete
LogisticsA game of Logistics in progress28-10 index or playing cardsCapture, Perfect informationPlaytesting
Magic MidsMages play a game of placement and capture.24PiecepackUnknownComplete
Martian Treasure HuntPlayers compete to have the most valuable pile of treasure at the end of the game.24piecepack setUnknownComplete
Mind ControlA chess-like game with stacking and mind control2ChessboardStackingComplete
Moscow IceThis is Chinese checkers for pyramids with some twists.24Chessboard or 10x10 boardJumpingComplete
PentamidGet five pieces in a row on a Volcano board2Volcano boardPiece movement, Piece placementComplete
PointsettiaPlayers compete to place their pieces in the shape of a plant.2UnknownUnknown
Rosicrucian Chessoccult chess variant a.k.a. Enochian Chess24conventional die (optional), ChessboardDivination, ChessComplete
Rummy TowersRummy towers is a rummy game using pyramids instead of tiles or cards.24Opaque bag, Player screensStacking, Set collectionInitial design
Shapeshifter WarsTransform your shapeshifters into the perfect army to defeat the enemy.2Volcano boardCapturingComplete
TMAG: The Martian Assassination GameBe the first victim to reach all of the bases39piecepackUnknownUnknown
Traffic TyrantsA pyramid game inspired by a children's game of traffic lights23x7 boardUnknownPlaytesting
Treasure SlideSlide on the ice while collecting treasure.2Mega-Volcano boardCapturingPlaytesting
UibadiBattle your opponents.2UnknownComplete