Browse games/Two trios per color

From Looney Pyramid Games Wiki

This is a list of games that require two trios of pyramids per color to play.

For more 2-player games, see also Browse games/Trios per color per player.

NameDescriptionMin PlayersMax PlayersNumber of colorsOther EquipmentStatus
AcceleratorScientists compete to get the most particles out of an accelerator242Cosmic Coaster, Martian CoasterInitial design
Advanced ColonizationA game of space combat and expansion.25Complete
Autumn AshA strategic game of color change.210A 5x6 BoardComplete
Bag of IceA simple push-your-luck game for many different player counts2125Pyramid die, any score-tracking method, Opaque bagUnknown
Behind Enemy LinesMultiplayer war based game241 per playerChessboard, Six-sided dieInitial design
CarboniteDiceA solo variant of IceDice15Pyramid die, Color diePlaytesting
CascadesA two-player mountaineering race.23A deck of cardsPlaytesting
Cliff MiningUse your deduction skills to work out what's in the cliff351 per player + 1box, paper and pencil, Player screens, Opaque bagPlaytesting
Color ClaimBuild stacks with your claimed color on top to score points.256x5 boardComplete
Drag RaceAn abstract race game of second guessing in second gear.25Chessboard, Player screensComplete
FolioAn abstract strategy game for two players inspired by Quarto24ChessboardComplete
Freeze TagPyramids race to the other side, trying not to get frozen along the way.241 per playerPyramid die, a 5x5 grid (a Volcano board is perfect)Complete
Great Game of GuessingSeries of cards which need be guessed correctly31004 (Rainbow)timer/stopwatch, Custom cardsComplete
GridironA simple little photo safari game.245Playing cardsUnknown
High GroundA game of strategy and luck that uses playing cards as the board and pyramids as the pieces a la Gnostica.241 per player1 deck of normal playing cards or optionally, a gnostica deck and a Treehouse die.Playtesting
High RiseA game of trying to build the biggest towers in order to control the most valuable properties on a Martian Coasters square229 small six-sided dice, 1 Martian CoasterUnknown
HuntA hunt in a deadly maze245optional chessboardComplete
Ice DaoIce Dao is a quick little n-in-a-row abstract strategy game for two players.225x5 boardComplete
InitiativeAn abstract fencing game of perfect information.25Pyramid diePlaytesting
Landing ZoneCrash land your ship to get the diamonds251 per playerA large-ish flat surface, 4 Zendo Stones (1 in a different color from the other 3)Complete
Launchpad 23The challenge: Be the first to build a complete and balanced 5 stage rocket! The problem: Rocket parts roll out of the factory on a random schedule and are often misrouted to other launchpads!245Pyramid die, Color die, 3x3 gridComplete
LeechCapture your opponents' pieces and their score245Chessboard and 1 card for each colorInitial design
Martian 12sThe Martian version of Blackjack, played in casinos all over Mars!255Opaque bagComplete
Martian FrisbyA race game on a narrow board where players try to block each other and get the roll that will propel their pieces into the required nested configuration.22Dice, 2x8 boardComplete
Martian GunslingerAn abstract Western theme boardgame with a checkerboard245Deck of Playing cards, Chessboard, One Six-sided die (d6) per player plus one extra die, and a potatoNearly Complete
MartianWhistResolving a trick in Martian Whist25Opaque bag, Color diePlaytesting
Mundialitoabstract strategy board game for Icehouse of movement and attainment24Martian Coasters, 2 tokensComplete
NickelUse strategy to form a line or L shape on a colorful, randomly-generated board255x5 grid, 12 tokens in two colorsComplete
PyLiPo353 to 4Chessboard, several gaming stones or tokens of at least five different colors or styles, Scrabble tiles, and one six-sided die. Optional: a dictionary, a timer, and some printed material.Unknown
Pyramids in my pocketA variation on Drip, in which a player tries to guess which pyramids the other has hidden in his pocket.23Treehouse tube, Opaque bag, a piece of clothing with a pocket (or another opaque bag)Complete
QuintazoneAn Icehouse/Aquarius hybrid251 per playerAquarius deckComplete
Quintazone-ChaserFurther play to follow on a game of Quintazone251 per playerColor die, Aquarius deck, player tokensComplete
SandboxA fast-paced, multiplayer game with a 'Treasure Hunter' theme that is played on a checker board.31004Treehouse die, Chessboard bandana, Six D10 dice, two decks of Pinochle cards.Unknown
Sorcerer's Apprentice26A chessboard, an opaque bag, 24 checkers (12 each of 2 different colours)Complete
SporeMove invaders and launch spores to capture villagers.25Volcano boardComplete
TactonixA geological Combination Game241 per player + 1A chessboard ( a Chessboard Bandana works nicely (a volcano board for 2 or 3 players will work too. ))and a card for each color usedComplete
TimberlandTreehouse meets Volcano; tipping and hopping shared pieces for points245Volcano board, 2 Treehouse diceComplete
ToppleBe the last with pieces still standing3551 six-sided dieInitial design
TrackAngelDeduce the location of your opponent's secret submarine on a chessboard21chessboard, paperInitial design
TractionPlayers walk their pyramids in a race to the finish line, and stop their opponents from getting there first!241 per player1 stash pad per playerPlaytesting
Vankor Gang WarsA game of revolution and city takeover, for many players481 per playerBoard, 3d6Unknown
The Wilds of MarsA simple little photo safari game.245A deck of playing cardsComplete
WreckTangleA chess-like multiplayer game using a Treehouse die.241 per playerChessboard, one coin, Treehouse dieComplete
X SpectrumCombine and Conquer25Chess BoardPlaytesting