Browse games/Four stashes

From Looney Pyramid Games Wiki

This is a list of games that require four monochrome stashes to play.

For more 4-player games, see also Browse games/Stashes per player

NameDescriptionMin PlayersMax PlayersOther EquipmentGame MechanicsStatus
AebGrow your forces and destroy the enemy.24ChessboardUnknownPlaytesting
AutomatonThis is a Robotic Combat game24Chessboard, a unique token for each player, a 3x5 card (or like implement) for each Automaton)Simultaneous actionComplete
Ballistic WarsA pure strategy game of knocking down enemy walls36toothpickUnknownPlaytesting
Barsoomian JetanFantasy chess on Barsoom (Mars)210x10 grid boardChess, Angular movementComplete
Battle of the Body SnatchersCapture more villagers and enemy aliens than your opponent.26x5 boardCapturingComplete
Block ur Friends aka BurFInspired by the game Saikoro where board options are removed, in this one it fills24Chess board, PawnsBlocking, Dice RollingNearly Complete
CapstoneIn Capstone, players try to build stacks that match their secret goal stacks.2Stash pad, Opaque bag, Player screensStacking, Hidden informationComplete
Capture The CardUse Icehouse pieces and strategy to capture cards.2a deck of cards including two JokersUnknownUnknown
Crystal TradersTrade crystals with people from other worlds36timerUnknownPlaytesting
The Crystal in my PocketA collaborative fiction game38UnknownInitial design
Dog Eat DogAn abstract game of strategy and luck for 2 or more players28six-sided diceUnknownUnknown
EOFPlayers use icehouse pieces to make patterns in a data stream.24Shields, bag, BOF and EOF markersUnknownPlaytesting
Egyptian SolitaireA solitaire puzzle game combining Peg Solitaire with a Rubik's Cube.143x4 grid of squaresStacking, EliminationComplete
EvacuateGet your Stacktor clans out of burning nightclubs before your rival/s manage/s to do the same.24custom boardStacking, PlacementPlaytesting
Example GameNot really a gamediceUnknownUnknown
FolioAn abstract strategy game for two players inspired by Quarto2ChessboardUnknownComplete
GalaA traditional chess-like game from northern Europe a.k.a. Farmer's Chess.2410 x 10 grid boardCaptureComplete
GeneratorBe the first player with a power coupling on each of the other nodes.24GRYB board and GRYB diceUnknownComplete
Hailstorma very random betting game210large flat surface, Opaque bagDexterityComplete
HomeworldsA strategy game of starships, transformation, and negotiation26Homeworld markers (optional) and good/evil markers (optional)UnknownComplete
Homeworlds SettlersPlayers vie for resources on a conquered Homeworld.2Homeworlds Settlers BoardPlacement, Color powers, Turn-based, Movement, Resource management, CaptureComplete
Horde RunnersA game of strategy involving theft and two players.2one six-sided die., ChessboardSteal, RunComplete
Ice ArenaIce Arena is a tactical arena combat game.24dice, tokens, hex boardUnknownInitial design
Ice House BowlingA game using IceHouse pieces for bowling.21002 six-sided dice, blank sheet of paper for scoresUnknownInitial design
IceDuelA miniatures-oriented, arena duel game with an unusual character creation format.24an 8-sided die, Chessboards, pawns, tokens, Tarot deckColor powersInitial design
IceTradersStarships battle for Good and Evil26pen and paperBoard gameUnknown
IglooA turn-based version of Icehouse, with only one color worth points by the end.2UnknownComplete
Imperial ShuffleBlock your opponent's Emperor from being able to move2custom board of partial chessboardUnknownComplete
Lonely IceA solitaire game of attack.1Playing cardsUnknownComplete
Martian Midswreak havoc with Martian Mids24Mid Cards, a die, chessboard, colored glass beadsUnknownUnknown
Martian ShogiChess/shogi variant with pyramids.2ChessboardCapture, PromotionComplete
Martian Treasure HuntPlayers compete to have the most valuable pile of treasure at the end of the game.24piecepack setUnknownComplete
Olympus MonsA chess-like game where captured pieces are worth their pip-value2chessboardUnknownInitial design
OutgrowEach player represents a fungal colony, trying to outgrow the other colonies in the limited space available.2ChessboardTerritorial acquisitionInitial design
Paint the LineTry to build the largest groups out of captured pyramids.22x6 & 3x6 boardsPlacement, CapturingComplete
Petal BattleTwo groups of insects battle for control of a flower2Daisy boardStrategy, Turn biddingComplete
PointsettiaPlayers compete to place their pieces in the shape of a plant.2UnknownUnknown
RAMbotsIn RAMbots, players design secret programs which are executed in an order determined by precedence, to control robots that are fighting to become the first to tag all of the goals.24Chessboard, screens to hide programs, small pieces from extra stash (optional)Color powers, ProgrammingComplete
RAMbots (Polish)Gracze potajemnie programują ruchy swoich robotów.24szachownicaProgrmowanie, Gra na planszyComplete
RGBIn RGB, stacks of Icehouse pieces reproduce and try to kill each other's children2ChessboardChesslikeComplete
Robot HouseRobot House is a tactical arena game inspired by Meatbot Massacre.24dice, tokens, hex boardUnknownInitial design
SandboxA fast-paced, multiplayer game with a 'Treasure Hunter' theme that is played on a checker board.3100Treehouse die, Chessboard bandana, Six D10 dice, two decks of Pinochle cards.Stacking, CaptureUnknown
Shapeshifter WarsTransform your shapeshifters into the perfect army to defeat the enemy.2Volcano boardCapturingComplete
Share and Share AlikeA game of shifting loyalties4A poker deck, a six-sided die, custom board and play tracker sheets, pens for each playerTower-building, Market speculationComplete
SnowblindHow do you win a game if you have more control over your opponents’ pieces than your own?44x3 grid, paper and pencil, Opaque bagUnknownComplete
Temple of MasksA game about the Mayans24Mega Hexano boardUnknownPlaytesting
TerrafexPlayers use icehouse pieces to grow forests, build mountains, start fires and melt glaciers.2Terrafex boardUnknownPlaytesting
UibadiBattle your opponents.2UnknownComplete
ZagamiMartian microbial life tries to survive and thrive on an asteroid4chessboardUnknownComplete
ZendoPlayers achieve satori when they discover the secret rule that explains which koans have the elusive Buddha-nature37marking stones (~20 in each of 3 colors)UnknownComplete
ZombiesZombies is a square-grid partially cooperative survival game.24go board or similar, DiceUnknownUnknown
ZugzwangAn icehouse game inspired by chess2ChessboardUnknownUnknown