Browse games/Two colors

From Looney Pyramid Games Wiki

This is a list of games that require two colors of pyramids to play.

For more 2-player games, see also Browse games/Colors per player

NameDescriptionMin PlayersMax PlayersTrios per colorOther EquipmentStatus
AcceleratorScientists compete to get the most particles out of an accelerator242Cosmic Coaster, Martian CoasterInitial design
AlbiorixA chess-like game without captures25Volcano boardComplete
AmbushA capture game for 2 players with 2 stashes and 4 Martian Coasters.25Martian CoastersComplete
BreakthroughCapture pieces as you move your pyramids across the board.25ChessboardInitial design
BridgeA strategy game where you try to connect opposing edges of an 8x8 board.248x8 boardInitial design
Capture the CardUse Icehouse pieces and strategy to capture a royal flush.24a deck of cards including two JokersUnknown
ChivalryBe the first player to jump two queens off the opposing side of the board.25ChessboardComplete
ContinuumUse pyramids and a poker deck to get your trees to exchange places21Playing cardsPlaytesting
Cover UpCover up your opponent's options and get 4-in-a-row25volcano boardComplete
The CrossingChinese Checkers variant. Be the first to get your pieces to the opposite corner.2438x8 gridComplete
CryosquareDynamic two-player, two-stash connection game played on a chessboard.258x8 boardInitial design
DragonflockDragons intimidate each other and lay waste to hapless towns23Volcano boardUnknown
EdgesAn abstract placement game played on the edges (not squares or points) of a grid representing the Martian canal network.254x3 board, each space about 2"x2"Complete
ExtinctionTwo races of creatures fight to make the other go extinct.25ChessboardComplete
Fuji-san25Custom boardComplete
High RiseA game of trying to build the biggest towers in order to control the most valuable properties on a Martian Coasters square229 small six-sided dice, 1 Martian CoasterUnknown
HostagesBe the first player to rescue all 5 of your hostages by returning them to your base.25ChessboardComplete
Ice DaoIce Dao is a quick little n-in-a-row abstract strategy game for two players.225x5 boardComplete
Ice LadyA variant of Turkish checkers, aka Dama, using Icehouse pieces.24ChessboardUnknown
IceFuThere can be only one25opaque containerUnknown
InfiltrateBuild an army and fight your way through the enemy's lines.24Mega-Volcano boardComplete
Intersectplacement and simultaneous capture25some playing cardsComplete
IririBuild a crossword from a shrinking alien dictionary!25Complete
KaeruJumping from waterlily to waterlily, your frogs try to eat their favorite prey21Aquarius deckComplete
King o' the CastleA strategy game where players try to invade one another's castles24coin or discPlaytesting
King of the Sinking IcebergJump and capture small caps on a shrinking board25noneInitial design
KotraA dice strategy game similar to Backgammon, played on a chessboard.245Chessboard, two d4 diceComplete
KrumpA chess-like game where your movement options increase as the game progresses.25Mega-Volcano board, Playing cardsComplete
Lava FlowsA quick strategy game that rewards clever tactics and a sharp memory233x3 gridComplete
Ley Lines of MarsPlace pyramids on the surface of Mars to claim mystic dominance25Martian Coasters, Volcano capsPlaytesting
Lunar InvadersInterlunar teleportation death struggle!23moon boards (Cosmic Coasters), diceComplete
MagnetoIt´s all about opposites.255x5 boardUnknown
MaliceAn abstract strategy game of piece movement, capture and teleportation.23Playtesting
Martian BackgammonA Martian take on Backgammon252 six-sided dice, 3 tokensComplete
Martian BoggleMove pyramids around a letter grid to spell words25Miniature Scrabble set, opaque bag, D4s, Volcano boardComplete
Martian ChaturangaAn ancient Indian game believed to be a predecessor of Chess enters the Icehouse world.25stones, D4s, Volcano boardComplete
Martian CheckersPieces jump and immediately capture23Playtesting
Martian FrisbyA race game on a narrow board where players try to block each other and get the roll that will propel their pieces into the required nested configuration.22Dice, 2x8 boardComplete
Martian Mud WrestlingA simple game of sinking in the mud25Volcano boardComplete
Martian Push2House Game being translated into Treehouse259x9 grid board, or 3x3 Martian coasters (2 sets)Initial design
Martian SenetA race through the Martian underworld24Martian Coasters, diceUnknown
Martian SparksA Magical Game of Pure Strategy for Two Players based on Spark by Envelope Games56x6 grid (Mega-Volcano board works if the lines are not raisedUnknown
Martian Tic-Tac-ToeTic-Tac-Toe with Icehouse pieces23Three-by-three grid (or part of a chessboard)Complete
MiddlemanManeuver around a cramped board to reunite your pieces25boardComplete
Mind ControlA chess-like game with stacking and mind control24ChessboardComplete
OshugoA somewhat quick penny-flipping game21PenniesInitial design
OverrideA two-player game where pieces are individually owned but mutually controlled2255x5 gridComplete
Pach-Ice-iGet all your pieces to your opponent's start25Board as described, three d8 diceComplete
Penguin Football245Initial design
PentamidGet five pieces in a row on a Volcano board24Volcano boardComplete
Pentamid TwistGet five pieces in a row on a set of Martian Coasters.25set of Martian CoastersComplete
PoptrixLaunch new pyramids, destroy enemy pyramids, and control the board.256x5 boardComplete
PylonA 2-player abstract strategy game of placement and stacking.25a 5x6 rectangular boardComplete
PyraGRYB245GRYB board and GRYB diceComplete
QuicksandA strategy game where you try to capture your opponent's pieces on a board that is in constant flux.254 Martian CoastersComplete
Quicksand (Polish)Gra strategiczna, w której plansza nieustannie się zmienia, a celem jest zdobywanie piramidek przeciwnika.254 Martian CoastersComplete
Solacepatience puzzle for one15Volcano board (optional)Unknown
Stack Chess25ChessboardUnknown
StackticsA 3House game for 2 players. The goal is to capture half of your opponents' force (by pip count) before he can do the same to you.23Volcano boardNearly Complete
Synapse-IceAn adaptation of the paper-and-pencil game Synapse'25Complete
Synapse-Ice (Polish)Zapełnianie planszy piramidkami25plansza 6x5Complete
Tic Tac LoopTic Tac Toe on a changing board21Complete
Tower WarDraft a deck, then try to wage a war without making the tower collapse.25Playing cardsComplete
Trap-TowersA tiny game of capture for two.213x3 boardNearly Complete
TresurionAn Icehouse space battles system251d20, 1d10, 15x25 (or larger) boardUnknown
TriumvirateCapture at least two trees' worth of opponent's pieces25ChessboardUnknown
TurtlerHelp your turtle navigate a busy 6-lane freeway245D6, ChessboardComplete
Volcano RaceVolcano meets Mancala25Volcano board, Volcano capsComplete
Wardrobes257x7 boardInitial design
Ways of the Towering TribesmenTwo barbaric tribes at war25Volcano boardUnknown