What Can I Play (Archive)
NEW! The database has been updated! See the page Browse games for links to more complete and up-to-date lists. Note: the games listed directly on this page are still a good place to start.
If you've come to this page, you've probably got a couple of Treehouse sets, maybe some Martian Coasters, and a desire to go beyond those two games. Do you have a copy of Pyramid Arcade? There are plenty of fan-made games to discover here. This page is intended to provide a central, organized list of quality pyramid games, so that you can quickly find a proven solid game that you have sufficient pieces, players, time, and other equipment to play. Select your highest priority or consideration to see the games that qualify.
Only representative games are listed here under each heading. You can click on each subheading title to see more eligible games in that category. (more complete lists based on pyramid sets and stashes may be found over on the Browse games page)
If you're interested in seeing the most recent games published and in development, check out those Games Released in the Past Five Years, from 2014-2019.
Feeling bold and adventurous? Want to try something wild and weird? There are many games in development that could use your attention.
Looking for reviews on or guidance with the 567 varieties of pyramid games listed on this site? Check out our links to reviews found on the web.
Games Playable with Pyramid Arcade[edit | edit source]
Pyramid Arcade is 22 games in one box that comes with three trios of ten colors (three rainbow Treehouse sets and three xeno Treehouse sets) along with the required components.
Number of Treehouse Sets[edit | edit source]
This section is for pyramid games that require Treehouse sets. The more Treehouse sets you have, the more games you can play (as is obvious below). Once you have five matching Treehouse sets, you can play nearly every game on this wiki... but you can only play all of them—or only play with more than four or five players—with five sets of both Xeno and Rainbow Treehouse.
- IceDice is equivalent to two Treehouse sets.
- Pyramid Arcade is equivalent to three Treehouse sets and three Xeno Treehouse sets.
As should be obvious, assume that you can play every game that requires fewer sets than you currently own; designers will only list games in the one sub-section which covers the minimum required number of sets.
- Legend
- 1 = requires that many sets per player.
- 2 = requires that many sets each of Rainbow and Xeno (i.e. uses more than four or five colors).
- (PwP) = published in Playing with Pyramids
- (Hypo) = published in Hypothermia
- (I7) = published in ICE-7
- (PP) = published in Pyramid Primer
- (3H) = published in 3HOUSE
- (GWC) = playable at games.wtanaka.com
- (SDG) = playable at SuperDuperGames
- (IGDC) = winner of an Icehouse Game Design Competition
One Set per Player[edit | edit source]
One Set[edit | edit source]
Two Sets[edit | edit source]
Three Sets[edit | edit source]
Four Sets[edit | edit source]
Five Sets[edit | edit source]
Six Sets or More[edit | edit source]
RX and R+X+[edit | edit source]
The RX and R+X+ categories include pyramid games require both Rainbow and Xeno sets but less than a complete Ten House set. For example, those under the RX category only require one set of each, while those in the R+X+ category may be playable with the pyramids in an IceDice set and a Xeno booster or two.
For a comprehensive list of games playable with ten or more Treehouse sets (i.e., a complete set) or odd combinations of more than five Xeno and Rainbow sets, see the links for six stashes or more below. Some games require a complete set of both five Xenos and five Rainbow sets. Those in this final category are also tagged 10HOUSE .
Number of Pyramid Stashes[edit | edit source]
This section is for pyramid games that use monochrome stashes.
As should be obvious, assume that you can play every game that requires fewer stashes than you currently own; designers will only list games in the one sub-section which covers the minimum required number of stashes.
- Legend
- (PwP) = published in Playing with Pyramids
- (Hypo) = published in Hypothermia
- (I7) = published in ICE-7
- (PP) = published in Pyramid Primer
- (3H) = published in 3HOUSE
- (GWC) = playable at games.wtanaka.com
- (SDG) = playable at SuperDuperGames
- (IGDC) = winner of an Icehouse Game Design Competition
One Stash per Player[edit | edit source]
, (PP):Martian Coasters (PP)
Single Stash[edit | edit source]
Two Stashes[edit | edit source]
Three Stashes[edit | edit source]
Four Stashes[edit | edit source]
Five Stashes[edit | edit source]
Six Stashes[edit | edit source]
Seven Stashes[edit | edit source]
Eight Stashes[edit | edit source]
Nine Stashes[edit | edit source]
Ten Stashes[edit | edit source]
Eleven Stashes[edit | edit source]
Playing Time[edit | edit source]
Many pyramid games can be played in a matter of minutes.
Some require around a half hour; and others can take an hour or more.
Still others have no set limit and could, theoretically, be played indefinitely or until the players want to quit.
Number of Players[edit | edit source]
Choose the number of players you have on hand to play:
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 |
Other Languages[edit | edit source]
Other Equipment Required[edit | edit source]
Choose what other equipment with which you want to play:
Boards | Cards | Game Pieces |
Chess (8x8) |
Dice |
Got older, solid pyramids? You can still play any of these games.
Theme and Mechanics[edit | edit source]
Choose a common theme, styles of play, or general rule mechanics:
Online Play[edit | edit source]
Online implementations of various games at:
- BoardSpace
- games.wtanaka.com
- SuperDuperGames - turn based PbW
Edges can be played at Zillions of Games
Martian Chess has a free iPhone app.