Browse games/Five players

From Looney Pyramid Games Wiki

There are 126 games playable with five people.

NameDescriptionMin PlayersMax PlayersNumber of colorsTrios per colorOther EquipmentGame MechanicsStatus
3sticaWhat if Gnostica and Risk had a baby?251 per player3turn marker, Tarot deck, FATE diceModular board, Card game, FATE dicePlaytesting
AgnosticaAgnostica, a simplified version of Gnostica, involves capturing territory on an evolving board made up of Zark City cards.251 per player3 (5 for the complex game)Color die, Zark City deckModular board, Card gameComplete
Alchemy ICENoughts and crosses with randomized "symbols" of five different types.2655Chessboard, Opaque bagStacking, Capture, Tile placementComplete
AlheimurAn Icehouse space exploration game that uses an Aquarius deck.281 per player5Aquarius deck, 3d6UnknownPlaytesting
AmoebaA science themed game with an ever-increasing board size.261 per player516 Poker Chips per playerPlacementComplete
Aquarius RisingConnect your elements to the higher planes2545Aquarius DeckPlacement, Hidden goalsComplete
AscendancyA turn-based game of tower building.251 per player52 dice, flat surfaceUnknownPlaytesting
Ballistic WarsA pure strategy game of knocking down enemy walls3645toothpickUnknownPlaytesting
Bottoms UpA stacking game with color powers for 4 to 6 players4665Opaque bagUnknownPlaytesting
Builders of R'lyehConstructing the drowned city of Cthulhu151 per player + 15Dice, cards of various shapesStacking, DexterityComplete
Chain ReactionFire 'particles' at 'atoms' and direct the chain reaction to let you capture pieces2665Volcano boardStacking, PlacementPlaytesting
ChaosCollect all 10 colors25105D10sUnknownPlaytesting
Civil-ice-ation3675pawns, tokens, Chessboard, Playing cards, Opaque bagUnknownComplete
Cliff MiningUse your deduction skills to work out what's in the cliff351 per player + 12box, paper and pencil, Player screens, Opaque bagHidden Information, DeductionPlaytesting
Color WheelTry to connect all same colored pyramids before time runs out!15103Wheel boardCooperative, PuzzleComplete
CoupTake over a small country35152 decks of cards, jokers, tokensUnknownInitial design
CrackeD ICE (Polish)Gra zręcznościowa, stąpając po lodzie należy uważać, by się nie załamał.251 na gracza5płyta CD, dodatkowa duża piramidkaDokładanie piramidek, Gra zręcznościowaComplete
CrackeD IceDon't tip the ice floe!351 per player5an old CD; one extra large pyramidDexterity, BalanceComplete
CrossroadsA game of placing pyramids and tracing paths3551Paper, colored markers or crayons, stringPlacement, Path TracingNearly Complete
Crystal CavernsRPG played on a playing card dungeon map1555Treehouse Dice, CountersBoardUnknown
Crystal FormationCreate crystals formed into trees while trying to influence the development of your opponents nodes.261 per player5 or moreChessboardStacking, PlacementComplete
Crystal HabitA game of mineralogy. Create crystal composites of different sizes and composition.251 per player3 to 5StackingInitial design
Crystal TradersTrade crystals with people from other worlds3645timerUnknownPlaytesting
The Crystal in my PocketA collaborative fiction game3845UnknownInitial design
DashBe the first to finish.2551Custom board, Custom cardsUnknownInitial design
DectanaTerritory game like Zarcana/Gnostica, but using the Decktet251 per player3Two DecktetsTerritory Control, Hand ManagementComplete
Dog Eat DogAn abstract game of strategy and luck for 2 or more players2845six-sided diceUnknownUnknown
DroomAn open, explorative game creation ruleset.3N45TokensUnknownUnknown
E, the Game of Martian Chinese Checkers261 per player5hex boardUnknownComplete
EfniUse pyramids to win Fluxx goals261 per player5Fluxx deckSet collection, Hidden informationComplete
The Fast and Ferocious; or, Black IceA racing game with multiple tracks and self-placed obstacles.2651Three six-sided die, a 'Yes/No' chip, the board, obstacle, pointing finger, and Black Ice pieces.RaceInitial design
FleetA space fleet game2551 - 2A few coinsUnknownPlaytesting
GeodetoPlanet Earth is full of beautiful and interesting places.2661Pyramideto cardsUnknownComplete
GeomancyThe Game of Casting and Recasting261 per player5ChessboardThrowingUnknown
GnosticaGnostica, an updated version of Zarcana, involves capturing territory on an evolving board made up of Tarot cards.261 per player5Tarot deckModular board, Card gameComplete
GravityPlaneA 2-8 player variant on Martian Coasters281 per player1Two Martian Coaster SetsUnknownPlaytesting
HomeworldsA strategy game of starships, transformation, and negotiation2645Homeworld markers (optional) and good/evil markers (optional)UnknownComplete
Homeworlds (German)Ein Strategiespiel um epische Weltraumschlachten2654Spielkarten (für Original Homeworlds)UnknownComplete
Houses of ThothErecting Pyramids on Tarot cards, and vice versa2555Tarot deckAccumulation, ConstructionPlaytesting
How Pretty Is That?Players take turns making trees and placing them on a mega-volcano board1996+5Mega-Volcano boardUnknownUnknown
Ice MarketA real-time trading game3645poker deck, pen, paper, timerUnknownComplete
Ice PalaceA game of simple mechanics but complex interactions where players compete to win “hands” and ultimately control the construction of the Ice Palace.361 per player + 25A smooth surface; an opaque bag, a markerPlacement, Pyramid drawComplete
Ice PiratesExplore islands, battle opponents, and pilfer their ships and homes in an effort to become the wealthiest pirate around251 per player + 2 (opaque)51 postcard per player, a few chits or markersUnknownComplete
Ice PointsAn entirely luck driven card battle over a bank of pyramid points.581 per player5Playing cardsUnknownInitial design
Ice RowA programmed action game of raising your color to the top of the final stack on a shrinking board.3565Ruler, Tokens, Start player marker, Player screensStacking, ProgrammingComplete
Ice StackersA dexterous stacking race game.2651 per playerA single coinUnknownComplete
Ice Storm351 per player5chessboard, optional scoring boardUnknownComplete
Ice Tiddly WinksA quick dexterity game with simultaneous play161 per player5Good size playing surfaceDexterityComplete
IceTowersControl the most valuable towers261 per player5Stacking pyramids, TurnlessComplete
IceTradersStarships battle for Good and Evil2645pen and paperBoard gameUnknown
Icebomb Arena4545ChessboardUnknownInitial design
IcehouseIcehouse is a real time game with a freeform board, with players placing attacking and defending pieces as rapidly or as cautiously as they want. But don't go into meltdown!351 per player51 stash pad per player, optional timerReal time, Freeform boardComplete
Interstellar ConquestBe the first alien race to set up four colonies in your opponents star systems.281 per player5Piecepack, BagUnknownComplete
JewellersOur jewelry has always been taken care of by masters from Florence, Italy, the famous Piccolo-Espresso family.285 or 61poker cardsUnknownComplete
Kickback"Players are construction companies, each working on a block of four new skyscrapers. The first to finish 3 buildings wins!"3551 per player minus 1Aquarius or Seven Dragons deck, Poker chips or Monopoly money, turn tokenUnknownComplete
KumbhaAquarius for IceHouse2553Envelope, some Paper, Opaque bagUnknownPlaytesting
Landing ZoneCrash land your ship to get the diamonds251 per player2A large-ish flat surface, 4 Zendo Stones (1 in a different color from the other 3)DexterityComplete
LandrushCompete to own the land worth the greatest value.251 per player51 Piecepack set (dice, coins, and tiles), Opaque bagUnknownUnknown
Looney LudoNavigate an ever-changing maze and collect the right pieces to win261 per player12 Six-sided dice, Treehouse die, Looney Ludo boardsStacking, Dynamic boardComplete
MadRobotsA rough initial design2853chessboard, timer, player screenProgrammable MovementInitial Design
MandalaA deceptively simple game of set collection2555unique token per playerSet collection, Perfect informationComplete
Martian 12sThe Martian version of Blackjack, played in casinos all over Mars!2552Opaque bagPress your luck, GamblingComplete
Martian BowlingA dexterity game with random setup2645Dexterity, Random SetupComplete
Martian CoastersThe Beverage-Coaster Treehouse Board Game261 per player1Six-sided die, Treehouse die, Looney Ludo boards or Martian CoastersStacking, Dynamic boardComplete
Martian Coasters (Polish)Gra rozgrywająca się na podkładkach Martian Coasters261 na gracza1podkładki Martian CoastersPodkładki, Rzuty kościąComplete
Martian ColonistsA resource gathering race, vaguely inspired by Settlers of Catan and a set of dice that match the colours of Icehouse pyramids281 per player + 151-3 Piecepacks, coloured dice, Aquarius deck, Opaque bagResource management, Dice rollingInitial design
Martian PokerIcehouse Additions to an Earthling Standard261 per person5Playing CardsUnknownPlaytesting
Martian QuiltingAssembling pyramidal pieces261 per player54x4 board, "needle" tokenUnknownUnknown
Martian RaceBe the first to have your family go up in the rocket and down in history!251 per player5chessboardUnknownComplete
Martian RiskMartian armies invade Earth361 per player5any large map, 25 tokens, D4sUnknownComplete
NimitzA multiplayer combinatorial game with a very loose association to the game Nim.26511 Martian Coaster or 1 Volcano BoardStacking, PlacementInitial design
Nothing Beats a LargeA simple and quick single Treehouse set game with goals2551Twin Win deckHidden goals, Rock-Paper-ScissorsComplete
Oi! That's My Phish!A tile collection game inspired by Hey! That's My Fish.291 per player11 Piecepack set per three players. All the plastic cards in your wallet.Pyramid sliding, Tile collectingInitial design
PantopiaPantopia is a game of territorial struggle, shifting fortune, and elemental magic.251 per player5two Aquarius decksUnknownUnknown
Pass The PyramidsA "Dicehouse" game for 3 to 5 players.351 per player118 to 30 tokensEquipment/DiceComplete
Penguin MarathonAn epic race on the slippery Martian slopes251 per player1Martian CoastersUnknownPlaytesting
Plutonian PokerPoker (sort-of) but with more stacking and pyramids. Played with 2 or more people.2651 per player + 1StackingComplete
PowerhouseCollect exactly five pyramids in one size but five different colors.2553Drawstring bag, Any three diceSemi-random drawComplete
Precary-IceA dexterity game like Jenga2545D6DexterityComplete
PyLiPo353 to 42Chessboard, several gaming stones or tokens of at least five different colors or styles, Scrabble tiles, and one six-sided die. Optional: a dictionary, a timer, and some printed material.Movement, Creative WritingUnknown
Pyramid PunchA quick game of pyramid combat.251 per player1Six-sided dice, gaming stones, modular 2x2 tilesUnknownUnknown
QuintazoneAn Icehouse/Aquarius hybrid251 per player2 - 5Aquarius deckPlacement, Tile-layingComplete
Quintazone-ChaserFurther play to follow on a game of Quintazone251 per player2 - 5Color die, Aquarius deck, player tokensRace, CaptureComplete
Rat PatrolA precursor to the game Turtler265180 specialized cards, chessboard, D8UnknownInitial design
Ricochet PyramidsSimultaneous real-time searching for the shortest solution to move a robot to a goal.2835Chessboard, TimerMovement, PuzzleComplete
Robot Battle ArenaRobot battles. In an arena. OF DEATH.2551Two Six-sided diceStacking, Direct conflictComplete
Scrambled Volcanovariation of Volcano published by Looney Labs2555Volcano caps, Volcano board, Opaque bagUnknownComplete
Shield BashersIn Shield Bashers, spaceships battle through interaction of hidden shields.261 per player + 35chessboard or Tri-Chess setUnknownInitial design
SkurðirAn Icehouse Transportation Game2553NoneUnknownComplete
Sky RiseA game of hidden agendas and tower construction255 or 63A deck of playing cards, Twin Win cards, Turn token, Paper and pencilHidden goals, Tower building, Shared piecesComplete
Snowball Fight!A war game where you try to capture all the pieces.2853Placement, CaptureInitial design
SpectraA game of color theory2685Opaque bagUnknownUnknown
SpellcyclesCast complex spells on other players and gain prestige.2565index cards, pencils, six-sided die, counters, chess pieces or checkers, Chessboard, Playing cardsUnknownComplete
SprawlCompetitive city building381 per player5ChessboardBuilding, AttackingComplete
Stack ControlCapture and eliminate enemy pyramids so that you control the most stacks.2555ChessboardUnknownComplete
Stack Control (Polish)Gra strategiczna, gracze budują wieże z unikalnych elementów.2555szachownicaEliminacja elementów przeciwnika, Przemieszczanie stosówComplete
SupercalifragilisticanoSquare Volcano beyond "Mega"15105Volcano caps, 7x7 board (optional)EruptionComplete
T-MinusIt's Not Rocket Science.261 per player3three six-sided dice, 12 to 18 risk tokens (e.g. pennies), game boardUnknownPlaytesting
TMAG: The Martian Assassination GameBe the first victim to reach all of the bases391 per player4piecepackUnknownUnknown
Take It Or Leave ItA "Press Your Luck" style Treehouse game2651Opaque bag, Dealer chip, Pencil and paperPress your luck, Drawing from a bagUnknown
The Unnamed ArchaeologistA game of digging up bones2565Opaque cloth bag, Color die, Pyramid dieUnknownComplete
Ticket to MarsMashup of Icehouse with Ticket to Ride2595The game Ticket to Ride (or Ticket to Ride: Europe)Hand management, Connections, Contracts, Network buildingInitial design
ToppleBe the last with pieces still standing35521 six-sided dieEliminationInitial design
TorpedoAn Icehouse-style real-time space battle game.251 per player5A straightedge (preferably a laser pointer)Piece PlacementComplete
Torpedo (French)Chaque pièce est un navire. Ceux-ci sont tous placés sur l’aire de jeu en précipitation. Les petits navires lancent alors des torpilles, puis les moyens, et enfin les grands. Le joueur auquel il reste le plus d’encoches À ses navires À la fin de la partie est le vainqueur.251 par joueur5Une règle (ou mieux, un pointeur laser)Placement de pièces (French), Placement de piècesComplete
Tour de Pyramidea bicycle race simulation set in the French mountains165 to 101 to 5tokens, Playing cardsUnknownComplete
Treehouse Snakes and LaddersSnakes & Ladders with pyramids, real decisions, and lots of player interaction.2551A Snakes & Ladders game board; two dice, d6 or d8Stacking, Roll and movePlaytesting
Tri-Prism Face OffA game of luck and some strategy in which each player races to get their Icehouse pieces to the finish line first251 per player11 die, 22in. x 28in. boardUnknownPlaytesting
TriforceIn Triforce, players combat for control over a portion of a triangular playing field.361 per player + 35d20, d12s, pawnsUnknownInitial design
Turning PointsPyramids spin like interconnected gears as each new piece is added1641ReactionsComplete
U.S. PresidentWill you be the next US President? Place your pyramids to control key states.261 per player3Modified map and State cardsPlacement, Territorial controlComplete
UndercutIn Undercut, players try to bid low to get pieces with the lowest value.35551 marker per player, 1 or 3 bags to draw pieces from, pen and paperUnknownComplete
UnocittaA Zark City variant using a deck of Uno™ cards2553Uno deckUnknownComplete
Vankor Gang WarsA game of revolution and city takeover, for many players481 per player2Board, 3d6DestructionUnknown
Venusian BowlingRoll a D20 at pyramids to knock them down2615D20, MousepadUnknownComplete
VerticalityBuild the tallest tower!15103Pyramid die, Zark City deckDexterity, Tower buildingComplete
Viribus UnitisControl key regions of a language map of Austria-Hungary, as in U.S. President361 per player3Modified map and cardsPlacement, Territorial controlComplete
Virus FightA game of combat between two ever changing computer programs2551 per player5x5 or 6x6 Board, optional play-aids and hollow pawns/volcano caps/TH set of different type (as long as all the others are equal).UnknownComplete
Virus Fight (Spanish)Un juego de combate entre virus informáticos2551 por jugadorTablero de 5x5 o 6x6. Ficheros de ayuda opcionales y peones huecos/pirámides pequeñas de otros colores no usados/Volcano Caps.UnknownComplete
YshuisAn abstract strategy game for two or more players (inspired by the game Y.)26511 "Official" Y board.Placement, MovementInitial design
Zark CityA 3HOUSE reduction of Zarcana, using playing cards251 per player3Playing cards, Zark City deckModular board, Hand & stash managementComplete
Zark City (Polish)Gra strategiczna, gracze zajmują terytorium zbudowane z kart.251 na gracza3talia 52 kart do gryDokładanie piramidek, Tworzenie planszyComplete
ZendoPlayers achieve satori when they discover the secret rule that explains which koans have the elusive Buddha-nature3745marking stones (~20 in each of 3 colors)UnknownComplete
Ziggurat Demolition ThrowdownA game of angry magic for pyramids and the Decktet2551 per color per playerDecktetTurn-based, Hand-managementComplete
Zoink!A game of chance by stealing and regaining pieces.261 per player5six-sided die, Zoink! playing cardsStrategic collectionInitial design
Zoning OutSolo game of urban zoning under constraints19953Opaque bagUnknownComplete